Who would benefit? All users What impact would it make? Less irrelevant annoying noise. Let users drive what engagement they want to receive. We're all typically going to be driven by department heads deciding what software we use, there's no poin...
12 months ago
in Application
Already exists
Reference Fields for Capacity Estimates Costs, Teams & Team Hours
We'd like to be able to pull information from the capacity planner fields: team name, team hours & cost per team. There is already some kind of way to do this within the pivot table that comes with the capacity planner; however, we'd like to s...
Anh Truong
over 4 years ago
Future consideration
Problem Overview It is possible to bi-directionally map tags in Aha! with custom multicheckboxes in Jira. However, it is not possible to configure how the values should map on each side. This creates errors when the two fields attempt to sync. Pro...
Austin Merritt
about 6 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Automation of related record (Feature) updates the "parent" Record (Feature)
The work request option is great and one of the main functions we utilize to connect dependent work across programs. The only issue we see with this is that the parent record, in our case a feature, does not get updated when the "related" record i...
Danielle Martinez
almost 2 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
New features created via an ADO integration are assigned to the parent epic release by default
Key problem: the "Parent" field in ADO can contain only one value. In ADO, a feature is automatically associated to the same theme as its' parent epic, but in Aha! this is not the case. So when features import, we associate them with the correct p...
Allow referencing User-type fields in custom worksheet equations
I'm trying to create a custom equation formula to determine if a user field "Team Members" is empty or not. User fields are currently unsupported in custom worksheets, so I'm not able to build the equation I need.
Phil Warden
almost 4 years ago
Future consideration
Of all posible views in Aha! I use a number (5 or 6) daily to keep on track. I manage this now by the favorites in my browser, but that is computer dependent. It should be nice if there was a new menu on top: "My views". With the views / URLS I ad...
over 6 years ago
in Application
Future consideration
Add the Idea Categories as an option to show on the Features form
Because the Idea Category isn't pulling forward, we are using Initiatives to basically recreate Categories. It would be a whole lot better to use the Idea Categories and use Initiatives for what they are intended for.
about 8 years ago
in Features
Unlikely to implement
New ideas/features lists do not remember my customizations
When I go back to the ideas list I expect that it will remember the changes I made to the columns and filters. I believe it used to, but the new version of them does not.