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Hide 'sign up' link on login page for private portals

Who would benefit? Customers What impact would it make? Cut down on support questions How should it work? If the portal is configured as a private portal, currently the user still see's the "sign up" link on the login page. If they click this they...
Mark Evans about 1 year ago in User management 2 Future consideration

Add Percent of total as option in Pivot Summary Totals

I would like a calculation for a percent of total as a pivot table summary calculation option. Currently, in a pivot table, the Summary options are mostly totals, averages, min and max. Having this calculation and ability to display as a percent o...
Laura Spohn almost 5 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Use days as the Y axis value in charts

As we estimate Features in days, and these that roll up to Epics, I want to view charts and graphs in days rather than have the system multiply them by 8 automatically to show them in hours.
Steve Treagust almost 3 years ago in Reports 3 Future consideration

Add ability to map record links for Aha! requirements with Jira records

Record links can currently be mapped between Aha! feature records and Jira records as covered here in this article. It would be helpful to have this same functionality to map record links between Aha! requirements and Jira records as well.
Jennifer Hill over 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration

Format values in summarized pivot cells

When creating a pivot table, you can choose to summarize the values in the cells using the "Within cells list as" option. In some cases, the summarized values need formatting. For example, if you have a list of percentage values in you cells and y...
Austin Merritt over 4 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow setting a "Default view" for the Initiatives prioritization list

What is the challenge? It is currently not possible to set a default view for the Initiatives prioritization page, unlike the corresponding features and ideas pages. What is the impact? It is harder for users to collaborate on initiative prioritiz...
Maria Plotkina 5 months ago in Strategy 0 Future consideration

Add Aha! Develop pages to the homepage dropdown

What is the challenge? I have a combined Aha! Roadmaps and Aha! Develop account. I would like to set my default homepage to a develop location such as my workflow board, or sprint planning. What is the impact? The homepage feature has no value to ...
Mike Lowery 5 months ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Add "Add Release" button to all Gantt views

What is the challenge? The add release button is only available on the "releases, phases, and features" view. My organization works in the "releases, epics, and features" view, so if we want to add a release, we have to toggle back to a different ...
Rebekah Rodriguez 5 months ago in Releases 0 Future consideration

Enable automatic integration of ideas into specific presentation formats with live updates for high-level executive review.

What is the challenge? Creating executive presentations from ideas in Aha! is currently a manual process that involves copying and pasting AND reformatting content. Additionally, executives only need high-level summaries in presentations, rather t...
Guest 5 months ago in Ideas 1 Future consideration

Managing User Permissions at Workspace/Workspace Line Level

Workspace owners should be able to manage access at the workspace level. Currently, if a user has been given any access to a workspace line then that access is reflected in the workspaces beneath it. However, an owner of one of those workspaces sh...
Guest about 1 year ago in  1 Future consideration