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Status Future consideration
Categories Reports
Created by Austin Merritt
Created on Jul 14, 2020

Format values in summarized pivot cells

When creating a pivot table, you can choose to summarize the values in the cells using the "Within cells list as" option. In some cases, the summarized values need formatting.

For example, if you have a list of percentage values in you cells and you choose to calculate the average. It would be great to be able to set the summarized value to be a percentage as well.

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Apply percentage formatting when fields with that underlying format are used in a calculated view on a pivot table

You can create calculated fields with percentage formatting in a list view. When converting to a pivot view, these fields retain their formatting if you set the pivot to "List records" but lose it if you change that to Sum or Average values. If al...
Maria Plotkina 4 months ago in Reports 0 Future consideration