Need to functionality to include Custom Table fields in the integration mapping. We created a new table for Aha Roadmaps for Program Increments. The table is linked to both Epics and Features, to simplify the reports (same value for both). The cha...
Edgar Holguin
over 1 year ago
in Jira
Future consideration
as a user, I want to be able to view item history... when item history is long and cluttered, it would be helpful to see just a subset of events in the history log... when I am trying to find a particular event.
e.g. Filter to exclude API/inte...
over 6 years ago
in Features
Future consideration
The new search functionality returns too many results when searching for multiple keywords
Who would benefit? All users with a large number of ideas including others in my organization who have struggled with this. What impact would it make? After using aha for 6 years this is the single most harmful change to my personal productivity w...
Claire A
12 months ago
in Search
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Users who are using AI What impact would it make? When users draft content using AI it should follow brand guidelines to help with efficiency. How should it work? Allow users to define standards for content that is created using...
Kristina Gass
12 months ago
Future consideration
Add "Workflow approval groups" in workspace settings to reporting
Who would benefit? people like myself that administer Aha! to my organization What impact would it make? easier to check the ingrity of these reviewers to ensure our most critical workflows are being managed properly How should it work? like other...
Kim Heuer
12 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Custom Email Address ("friendly" email address) for Ideas Portal
It would be helpful and easier for user adoption of the Ideas Portal in our organization of over 1000 employees if we had a custom email address that could be used to submit ideas (or in our case, requests) to the portal. In our organization, many...
Sarra Isabel
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Display shared webpage security settings in share as webpage window
What is the challenge? Currently only Account admins can see who will have access to a shared webpage by viewing the account settings. The choices are "Allow anyone to access" or "Allow only Aha! or single sign-on users to access" What is the impa...
Chris Quigley
8 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Support attachment fields in shared webpage drill in
What is the challenge? We often add attachments to our Aha! records to add supporting data for our plans. We want to be able to show these attachments in shared webpages. What is the impact? Our roadmap viewers will have all the context they need....
Chrissi McNamara
8 months ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
Enable tags to be a selection for Azure DevOps integration of requirements
What is the challenge? You can sync tags for features but not requirements, What is the impact? creates duplication of work having to recreate tags in Azure DevOps Describe your idea As part of the field mapping for Azure DevOps integration "tags"...
What is the challenge? having to use the whteboard to create from scratch a template for a product biref What is the impact? a roduct person in a mangerial prositions produces a lot of prodct artifacts per month, including Product Briefs andPRDs D...
8 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration