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Please create a Slack 'message shortcut'

Create a way to create an Aha feature or idea from a Slack message shortcut. Similar to those shown in the attached file and on this page:
C K over 3 years ago in Slack 1 Shipped

Ability to create a new initiative from the goal detail page

From the goal detail page, can we add an enhancement to have the ability to add a new initiative from this page similar to have the ability to add a new comment or to-do instead of toggling over to add a new initiative then roll up?
Marina Reyna over 6 years ago in Strategy 1 Shipped

Enable connectors to be placed over images without needing to connect.

What is the challenge? I am making comments on certain elements of a screenshot for a user interface. I need to simply place an arrow over an image to point out specifically what the comment is related to. Connectors only connect to objects. What ...
Guest 9 months ago in Whiteboards 0 Shipped

Scroll bar stopped properly working on Release, phases and features Gantt

What is the challenge? Scroll bar is not allowing me to scroll to the bottom of the page. What is the impact? I can't work with this view any more, as important information is not reachable. Describe your idea This is probably caused with the addi...
Guest 9 months ago in Roadmaps 1 Shipped

Home page: Allow tables, lists, charts or roadmaps to be set as the default view

As a product manager I use the board view all the time. However, when sharing with wider teams within the business, engineers particularly prefer a table view of features/requirements for a release. In the two organisations where I have used Aha!,...
Kevin McIntyre over 1 year ago in Application 1 Shipped

Add images to features

It would be very handy to be able to paste images in line in feature descriptions, not just add attachments. Images often compliment the story at a given moment. Attachments are also cumbersome to what is otherwise a quick process.
Guest about 11 years ago in  2 Shipped

Product line goals linking to product goals

We've set goals for our product line and each product team has separate goals that support the goals of the product line. In the strategy diagram, I'd like to show the goals for the product line and then the products and their goals that all suppo...
Guest about 9 years ago in Strategy 4 Shipped

Add external documents to Research Tab

JTBD: Link relevant external (outside of Aha!) documents to a record in Aha! so that I can keep information organised in one place. Problem: I have many external (outside of Aha!) documents that are used throughout the discovery, design, and imple...
Terence Osmeña over 1 year ago in Features / Ideas / Ideas research / Notes 0 Shipped

Features > List should be limited to selected Product

After I have selected a product, I can flip through Strategy, Releases, and Ideas. When I go to Features, I can flip through flip through Board, Details, and Roadmap. All the while, I'm just seeing things related to the selected Product. The momen...
Tom Beck over 8 years ago in Features 1 Shipped

Allow an Aha! Develop team to have more than 1 active sprint

We have a single Develop team, but we would like to have separate active sprints (in parallel) for that team to work on two platforms (Android and iOS). The main reason behind having separate sprints for both platforms is having better visibility ...
Dale Potter almost 3 years ago in Sprints / Workflow boards 0 Shipped