Enable custom feature types to apply other records
What is the challenge? The custom types (configured in the features status/workflow) are only available for features. This type categorization is needed for other record types, including epics. What is the impact? The current workaround is to use ...
What is the challenge? Want to use pivot table view as a progress tracker (similar to Kanban) What is the impact? More teams and more collaborative ritual can be done inside Aha Describe your idea We have a custom field marking 5 stages of UX desi...
Puppy Tsai
5 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
It would be very useful to be able to set read-only permissions for some fields (either standard or custom fields) based on permissions, or - even better - permission groups. In fact we have some fields on Features and Ideas that should be maintai...
Nicola Rolando
over 1 year ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
I would like to be able to copy a custom field, for example from Features to Requirements. I have several custom fields for Feature, then when I want to create a requirement from Aha! it complains those custom fields are not available,
over 7 years ago
in Account settings
Likely to implement
Who would benefit? everyone What impact would it make? limits information leakage and information misuse to parts of the organization who don't need to see in progress epic development before it's put in an official release How should it work? wit...
paul raisanen
10 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Make the standard tags field mappable for requirements
Both epics and features have the standard tags field mappable when setting up an integration. Requirements now have a standard tags field added to the record but it is not available in the mappings. It currently requires a custom field be created ...
Justin Waldorf
over 2 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
The Prioritization view for ideas and features provides the ability to sort the main list by the Score. It would be helpful to sort by any of the columns displayed in the view.
The "Release Capacity" dialog allows users to enter in a capacity amount. however, the dialog doesn't much help in figuring the hours, days nor weeks. For example, I needed to manually calculate that there are 22 working days in July 2016 by count...
Allow Release Date (internal) and Release End date (date range) to sync
Who would benefit? The Release date (internal) drives many of the OOTB reporting functionality in Aha! so it must be maintained and accurate for reporting to be accurate. For many teams, the end date of the release and the Release date (internal) ...
Bonnie Trei
about 1 year ago
in Releases
Future consideration