What is the challenge? Our ideas portal receives many customer ideas. We intentionally keep a limited list of ideas categories so that we don't overwhelm our customers with choice. However, when we're analyzing ideas, it's often helpful to group i...
Nathaniel Collum
8 months ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Currently, when using a public portal, public portal users will not receive comment notifications when other public portal users comment on ideas they have created. Notifications will only happen when an administrator comments on an idea, or if a ...
Finn Meyer
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Product teams who require approval steps in specific scenarios. What impact would it make? Save time and improve efficiency How should it work? Support the closing of approval to-dos via automations. This would allow teams who h...
Madeleine Black
12 months ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Running into an issue where multi-select from Aha can't flow over to ADO multi-select field. Only first value flows over from Aha. What is the impact? Can't use multi-select field in ADO properly. Describe your idea Allow fo...
What is the challenge? Reports are often a ton of white space, and it makes following the data through an entire line (on a list or pivot table) difficult. I can manually create color banding (on at least one field - typically the lead field) by u...
Rosie Wojciulewicz
4 months ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Automatically add/remove a related link when adding/removing an Aha Record in a whiteboard.
What is the challenge? The challenge is to automatically manage related links on a whiteboard when an Aha Record is added or removed. This involves ensuring that the whiteboard dynamically updates to reflect the most current and relevant link info...
Noel Scerri
4 months ago
in Whiteboards
Future consideration
Ability to Pull Estimates onto the Prioritization Report
Who would benefit? Any client, but especially those practicing SAFe What impact would it make? Make it very clear which features can be pulled into a PI and which won't, based on capacity, so negotiations can commence! How should it work? On the C...
over 1 year ago
in Features
Already exists
Add delivery risk check for missing initial estimate
We use the initial estimate field for early product planning. While the "No detailed estimate" field helps for our detailed planning stage, we want similar functionality that checks for missing initial estimates to support our earlier planning.
Jeff Tucker
over 1 year ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
Add Parking Lot Releases and Features to Feature Roadmap and Release Gantt
Who would benefit? What impact would it make? I want to track upstream (pre dev) work in product and UX's lane to track true status end to end for our work. How should it work? When going into the features roadmap view I am trying to see my parkin...
Karla Johnson
over 1 year ago
in Releases
Future consideration
Allow conversion of Epic to Feature when the Epic contains features
When an Epic has no child features, you can convert it to a Feature. When an Epic has child features, today you cannot convert it to Feature. It would be a smoother workflow to allow Epics with child features to be converted to a Feature
Emily Yankush
almost 2 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration