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Need 2 separate settings for the visibility of a user's name in the Ideas portal

I have a single Ideas portal with both internal (employees) and external users. In order to keep the external users anonymous, I turned off the visibility for the user name in the portal. This affected the internal user names as well though. I'd l...
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas 2 Future consideration

Make any page my homepage

I'd like to make any page in aha my homepage, could be a release, feature, vision, report. This would give me a better experience when I first logon. Ideally, I'd like to have a homepage dashboard where I can add tiles for some of my favorite repo...
Guest over 6 years ago in  1 Already exists

Notebook snapshot versioning

I like the ability to snapshot, but it is very limited. I like to see the following abilities for snapshot Provide an option when taking a snapshot to create a copy of the report and add it automatically to the notebook. Saves time navigating awa...
Guest over 6 years ago in Presentations 0 Already exists

Preserve idea and details when product field is changed

In an idea portal where there are multiple products, if you select a product and start typing an idea/details, and then subsequently change products (for example if you realized you had selected the wrong product), all data is cleared from the for...
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Already exists

Calendar Report: Ability to customize the tiles

The calendar report is very useful and has a lot of potential. I am using the Calendar report for Features and when they released into production. What would be very beneficial is the ability to customize the cards to include icons for Types,...
Guest over 6 years ago in Reports 2 Already exists

Broadcasts - Need functionality to allow a Broadcast to expire after x views

Right now #Broadcasts is a great tool, but the implementation is very wieldy for the Aha admin as they (currently) only have the ability to turn them on or off. I would like the ability to have them automatically expire for the individual user aft...
Joe Carpenter over 6 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Remove tags from drop down selection

Create the ability to delete tags within the drop down. It's obvious there are mistakes in there and it makes the list cumbersome. If the tag is in use - notify the current user who is trying to delete so the deletion isn't completed.
Guest over 6 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Already exists

Create Custom Field (Performance Improvement)

When creating a custom field, specifically in the "Create custom note for features" screen, typing in your desired name auto-populates the Key field with the same name + underscores. However, when I misspelled the Name field and corrected it, the ...
Guest over 6 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Feature Comparison Matrix

The idea is to add a Features Field and/or Goals Field to the Competitor record and be able to create a table showing our products and competitors on one axis, and features on the other. Currently, it's easy to add the Features/Goals Field, but ...
Daniel McShan over 6 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Provide an ability to perform sql queries against the database to pull data. For example, record links based reports are extremely limited in scope.

Need to create a list of features/stories that have dependencies, filter by the dependencies and sort by the dependencies.
Deepak Arasappa over 6 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration