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Add support for displaying milestones in the Now, Next, Later roadmap

What is the challenge? Highlighting key upcoming milestones is important in PI Planning. What is the impact? The inability to display milestones makes the Now, Next. Later roadmap less usable than other roadmaps Describe your idea I would like to ...
Sandy Kobayashi 8 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Sort first column when grouping records on the Now, Next, Later roadmap

What is the challenge? On my Now, Next, Later roadmap, I've grouped records by Initiative. I see that I can sort the records within their initiative, but I don't see a way to change the order in which the Initiatives appear in this view - they app...
Chrissi McNamara 5 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Automate delivery of a Roadmap PDF export via the scheduled email function

What is the challenge? I am bringing both Aha and Product Management into a new organisation that builds physical products, and is growing rapidly. Presently, I need a way to bring a super simplified version of the roadmap feature delivery schedul...
Aidan Clarke about 2 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Add message to linked record drill-in on custom roadmap

What is the challenge? Currently the drill-in on a custom roadmap shows the related records for the primary record, not necessarily for the record being viewed in the bars What is the impact? This is mis-leading as the drill-in appears next to all...
Peter Whisenant 3 months ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

On custom roadmaps show requirements in a feature's record links

When building a custom roadmap, you can click the icon above the roadmap bar to see related record links but Requirements are not shown when viewing a feature’s linked records. Other related records are shown but the Requirements are not.
Justin Waldorf 3 months ago in Reports / Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Ability to change roadmap font and styles at an individual cell level

A key use case for roadmaps is to share and present your plans with Executives, Clients, and other cross-functional teams. The automated generation of the roadmap is a great feature of Aha!, but if you cannot adjust the font for presentation purpo...
Peter Bongiorno about 3 years ago in Roadmaps 5 Future consideration

Change the roadmap time scale to Sprints (for all Agile teams)

Hi Aha! Team, as an organization we use Aha! together with Azure DevOps (both integrated) in order to track the progress and delivery of initiatives. As we work in an Agile environment, our roadmaps are usually built on a Sprint basis (e.g. Initia...
Katarzyna Piasecka almost 3 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Future consideration

Allow card highlight in features roadmap

It would be great if you could choose to add colour to the feature cards on the features > roadmap. I'd love a "Colour by" option that allowed you to choose a field to base the colour on (i.e status, assignee, custom field, etc), and apply that...
Madeleine Black over 1 year ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Text wrapping in custom roadmap views

Currently, if you need to use a custom roadmap and the "show text inside thick line" option, text doesn't wrap. So if you need to display a good amount of text - a feature or master name, tags or labels, short summaries etc - you just get this ext...
Guest over 5 years ago in Roadmaps 6 Future consideration

Ability to lock rows on reports/roadmaps

We have a dashboard that shows our roadmap and some other KPI reports -- our roadmap is long, so individuals need to scroll to see all roadmap rows in this dashboard view. Would be nice if we could lock the row which shows the roadmap dates for th...
Danielle A about 3 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Future consideration