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I want the external release date to match the internal release date but still round to a time period such as quarters.

Right now if you set the external release date to be the same as the internal release date then the external date moves with the internal date. I would like an option that when you are rounding an external date that it can also update the date to ...
Guest over 7 years ago in Releases / Roadmaps 3 Future consideration

Release Date 'dependency' on preceding milestones

As PM I should have direct visibility to changing a Release Date, so I understand why I can't make the Release Date dependent on Milestone dates. However, I would like to be alerted anytime a Milestone that my release is dependent on, is scheduled...
Cathy Sherwin almost 9 years ago in Dependencies / Releases / Roadmaps 2 Already exists

Add legend to a shared webpage view for a roadmap

When sharing a roadmap as a shareable webpage, there is no way to interact with the features to see their status, and no legend to indicate what their colour scheme means. I would like the option to add a legend to a shareable webpage so the viewe...
Guest over 3 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Adjust Capacity at the individual level

To better plan using the capacity report I need to know when individuals are not available. Without this, I cannot get a true sense of overbooked at the resource level
Guest over 4 years ago in Roadmaps 1 Future consideration

additional headers from report into dashboards

We would like to see multiple heads from the report be viewable in the dashboard view as well. For example, for roadmaps, we would like to see the months, quarters, and year as headers as that is more consumable.
Danielle Martinez over 2 years ago in Roadmaps 2 Future consideration

Have the option to enable color-blind friendly mode where ever color is used (e.g roadmaps)

We have the option edit the colors for statuses via the Settings ⚙️ → Account → Statuses and workflows page; however, for users who have color blindness, changing the hue doesn't help much. We're looking to have the option for a texture or pattern...
aimee vitaglian almost 4 years ago in Roadmaps 4 Future consideration

Dual Track Roadmaps

If your roadmap goes out further than a couple of months then those items further out are doing you a disservice. To anyone looking at that roadmap, they look like things that you are definitely going to do. Even worse is the fact that those item ...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Future consideration

Hide Aha! identifiers in external facing roadmaps

I don't want to show any number at all. One of our primary goals was to be able to single source roadmaps for multiple target audiences and very few of those need any kind of reference identifier for features that we're discussing at a largely glo...
Guest over 7 years ago in Roadmaps 0 Unlikely to implement

Provide additional formatting controls to the Now, Next, Later Roadmap view, similar to Pivot Chart functionality

Who would benefit? Any user who is using the Now, Next, Later roadmap, or those who are creating their own version with a Pivot table. What impact would it make? It would allow users to more fully customize Now, Next, Later roadmap view to tailor ...
Guest 11 months ago in Roadmaps 3 Future consideration

Dependency roadmap as a standard view

Who would benefit? Users that: need to track upstream work they are dependent on need to understand downstream work that is dependent on their work need to easily identify delivery risks based on dependencies What impact would it make? A roadmap i...
Dale Potter over 1 year ago in Dependencies / Roadmaps 0 Future consideration