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Idea Portal Digest Notifications

We would like to allow our users to configure a digest for their notification subscriptions in the ideas portal. Ideally, they would be able to customize how often they receive notifications (immediately, daily, weekly) for each subscription they ...
Jeff Champagne over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 7 Likely to implement

Restrict Slack notifications by Action

Allow configuration of the Slack notifications by CRUD action. I would like to only receive notification of new ideas, but currently I am notified of all updates to the fields I have selected. We should be able to control whether the integration...
Remi Dobson over 4 years ago in Slack 0 Likely to implement

Ability to copy idea portal configuration

We have a lot of products set up in Aha and for various reasons, need/have lots of Ideas Portals. Currently it is time consuming to set up new ideas portals. It would be much quicker to be able to copy an existing Ideas Portals (e.g. the design el...
Julie Edwards almost 5 years ago in Branding 2 Likely to implement

Make persona header images more flexible to resize

Anyone that would like to take a standard image and resize it to fit in the crop area would benefit. With the current set up, I am unable to decrease the size of a 1024x768 image so that more of it (e.g. a complete head) can fit in the crop area. ...
Guest about 5 years ago in Strategy 4 Likely to implement

Reference capacity planning fields in calculated column equations

Currently the capacity planning fields are not available to use in the Custom Equation builder. It would be great if we could use the fields to perform calculations in list/pivot reports. An example use case is to calculate the risk of completion...
Madeleine Black about 5 years ago in Reports 3 Likely to implement

Filter Slack notifications based on whether the idea is from an employee or a customer

We currently use the Slack integration to keep track on New ideas, Votes and Comments but it would be really helpful if we could filter the channel to only show customer ideas. This would make it easier to focus our attention on customer requests ...
Naill Mclean over 5 years ago in Slack 0 Likely to implement

Allow for setting Status of a Feature from Slack

Allowing the ability to modify the status of a feature from Slack can be very useful when discussing features with DEV and Product teams to quickly update the move a feature from one status to another
Chris Stocker over 5 years ago in Slack 0 Likely to implement

Show recently created records on My work

I commonly add features or ideas and then want to see the item again or get a link to it a few minutes later. The first place I naturally look for this is in 'My Work', but it shows up under 'My Profile'. Add the data from 'My Profile' as a sectio...
Jonathan Steel almost 6 years ago in My work 0 Likely to implement

Exclude fields from Slack integration

Currently, the default value sends all fields. If I want to send all fields except, for example, "private comments" from the ideas portal to a dedicated ideas channel in slack, I have to add all the fields except "private comments" manually. In...
Guest almost 6 years ago in Slack 1 Likely to implement

Slack to Aha Integration - Include a description in the Feature or Idea submission

For users sending an idea or feature to Aha! from Slack it would be helpful to be able to optionally include a description from Slack instead of having to open Aha! to add it. The button link that opens the idea or feature is nice, but the ability...
Sarah Grzybowski about 6 years ago in Slack 2 Likely to implement