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Side bar view w/ Custom Favorites

Hello, I understand most of the navigation of is geared on top. A lot of tools (competitors) use a side-bar / tree view to assist customers navigate between workspaces, roadmaps, projects, sprints, etc. Some tools use a flat side-bar view w...
Todd Materazzi about 1 year ago in Application 2 Future consideration

Backup a specific set of workspaces instead of everything.

It would be nice to be able to backup a specific set of workspaces. This would be helpful in a couple of instances. 1) If we separate part of our organization through sale we could easily backup that segment and they could restore it at their new ...
Leanne Miller over 3 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Ability to delete automatically-generated reports

When viewing Reports within the Roadmaps -> Overview section, there are many reports that are automatically generated by Aha to support the Quick Start Guide. Currently, you cannot delete these reports (when you do they are re-generated) and it...
Lisa Hagen over 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Ideas overview page can made customized to show pie chart on custom field

Currently Ideas overview page show pie chart with status field, it would be good if it can be customizable on custom field
Guest over 4 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Dependency like "Finish to Start" or "Start to Finish"

The dependency mapping could be more robust like MS Project where we could drag one parent dependency items end date to impact the child dependent start date to move. It's a feature implemented in MS Project for a very long time and is truly usefu...
Guest over 4 years ago in Releases 2 Already exists

Create and track a roadmap of OKR's

I am a department manager who is focused on developing team capabilities and making improvements to people, processes, technology wrt my team. I'm looking for a way to create and track a roadmap of initiatives that can be implemented as part o...
Guest over 8 years ago in Application 1 Already exists

Version control for Features

When we believe a Feature is ready to be implemented, we want to assign the Feature description a version number so that everyone knows what version of the Feature description is being implemented. If the Feature description subsequently needs to ...
Guest over 4 years ago in Features 0 Future consideration

Provide link to objects using a specific status when trying to delete them

I'm finalizing the feature statuses in Aha and want to delete a specific one but unable to do so bc Status cannot be deleted because it is in use by some records . I've tried creating list reports for epics/features/requirements that have this sta...
Guest over 2 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Field Logic

We would like the ability to add logic to our custom fields. Ex: if X value in a field is selected, update another field to Y value. Ex: If X value is selected, show another field (previously hidden)
Guest almost 5 years ago in Features 1 Future consideration

Estimates without release capacity

As a Product Manager, I would like be able to capture feature estimates without having the release capacity feature. I don't track capacity at the release level -- at least not in the way Aha! seems to work today. I manage my capacity across all p...
Tom Beck about 7 years ago in Releases 1 Future consideration