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Default External Date Rounding

I would like to pre-set the external date rounding for either a product or product line. This would allow for less clicks by a user entering a release and get all releases consistent in their reporting.
Guest over 8 years ago in Releases 3 Unlikely to implement

Combine sub releases in Feature roadmap view

I have many sub-releases (one for each product) unfortunately when I look at the roadmap view in features, each of these sub-releases is broken out by product producing a roadmap which now longer lines up in time, instead I get lots of lines that ...
Jesse Stein over 8 years ago in Reports 1 Unlikely to implement

Features for a Master Release

Add Features to a Master Release because some features are unique to the combination of sub-releases
Guest over 8 years ago in Releases 0 Unlikely to implement

Custom field permissions by role

As product manager, I’d like to be able to annotate and make rough notes about features, initiatives and ideas, and jot down rough ideas etc associated with them. These notes are just as a kind of scratchpad and memory joggers for me and are not i...
Guest over 8 years ago in Features 0 Unlikely to implement

Make the new Time Frames feature actually know about Time

The new Time Frames feature allows us to tag goals and initiatives with specific timeframes. These timeframes are user-defined rather than system-defined, but the examples are fairly common and are shown to work across several temporal scopes: qua...
Guest over 8 years ago in Strategy 4 Unlikely to implement

Ability to choose how each Aha Initiative/Feature/Requirement should be mapped to JIRA, as opposed to one mapping setting for an Aha product.

As a user, when creating a new Aha Initiative or Feature, I would like the ability to choose whether the Aha Initiative/Feature/Requirement should be mapped as a JIRA Epic, User Story, or Requirement, so that I can have more flexibility when creat...
Guest over 8 years ago in  0 Unlikely to implement

Deactivating Users

Currently when deactivating a user, the user then becomes 'greyed' out. This isn't readily obvious due to coloring, resolution, etc. Suggestion is to clearly annotate the user with a Joe Smith - Deactivated or something similar
Joe Carpenter over 8 years ago in User management 0 Unlikely to implement

Copy an idea into another

I would like my customers to see other's ideas but if certain values are different, they can simply spawn a new idea off the original. This new idea would have the same fields populated and allow the customer to change the ones they'd like.
Guest over 8 years ago in Ideas 0 Unlikely to implement

Lock Release and Features

Once we have created a release and scoped all the items into it, it would be helpful if we could "soft lock" the features in that release. A soft lock could be an option on each release with a toggle and a message. Once the toggle is ON and a new ...
Guest over 8 years ago in Releases 6 Unlikely to implement

Adding To Dos to a Notebook

The Idea detail via includes my list of To Dos for that idea I am working on. When I add the Idea Detail to a notebook it does not publish the to do list. My idea is to allow for to dos to be added to a not book by feature, release or idea.
Joe Ross over 8 years ago in Presentations 2 Unlikely to implement