Why did my ability to see Ideas in a list disappear?
As of today, I can't view ideas in a list any longer. I went into customize navigation (thinking it might be an org change), but I don't see it as an option on that page either. Why would I as an administrator not be notified when changes are made...
Focus on more product portfolio views based on bubble charting using values such as revenue/# customers ect
This way we can do better portfolio management as we have several products and from a top down view we would like have. This will help managing the portfolio. I belief Aha should focus on product management and keep away from the development proce...
almost 10 years ago
in Strategy
Already exists
My team is trying to become more deadline oriented and having the option to view our feature requests with their due dates AND our sprint schedule in the calendar view would be super helpful. Right now our sprint schedule lives in excel and person...
over 2 years ago
in Calendar
Future consideration
Allow deletion of types and other data while still in use
There are several places in Aha! where we disallow a user action because an object is in use. For example, users can't delete a custom type while records are using it. We already have an elegant solution in place for this when changing from one wo...
Bryan McElhinney
over 2 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Allow Master Features to include the field for "Type"
Currently only a user story can accept custom "types". But this is available to configure when you are setting up the workflow and status for either a Master Feature or a Feature. Master Feature cards should also be able to include a custom type s...
almost 5 years ago
in Epic
Future consideration
While viewing an item (idea or feature, for example) enable to control my notifications of that specific item. Today, I have to go to notifications and find the item to change notifications. Interestingly, there's neither a search feature nor refe...
Default ideas comments to internal rather than external
Currently, when you add a comment on an idea from Aha!, the default is to post it publicly on the portal. I have had a couple of instances now where someone accidentally publicly posted a comment that should have been private. It would be great if...
Rob Bedeaux
almost 10 years ago
in Ideas
Unlikely to implement
We recently started using Aha to help manage our projects. It is important to note however that those are recruitments projects and not software development. It means we had to change the terminology (because “features”, “release”, etc. d...
over 7 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement
Add custom timescales for business specific roadmaps
We use a custom timescale to communicate to our business stakeholders when a particular feature or initiative willl land. We would like to show that custom timescale on a roadmap.
Andrew Brooks
almost 5 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
We have many custom fields, som are "Entry Required by user", some are information only, would be good to highlight with a colour which a user has to focus on.
Tomas Heydal
almost 5 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration