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In workflows, it should not be possible to skip a certain status.

In most workflows, the status "approved" is available. But it can be skipped. It should be possible to set in a workflow that e.g. a feature most have had the status approved, before it can get any status following it in the workflow. E.g. the wo...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Account settings 4 Shipped

Map Jira imports to specific Feature Type

Currently, we need two Jira integrations - one for Bugs, and one for everything else. But when importing/linking Bugs, they get linked to a regular ol' Feature of "New" type. As someone in this situation, i want imported/linked Jira Bugs to set t...
Max Cascone over 6 years ago in Jira 2 Shipped

Pivot table: Add master release column type

Would be nice to be able to report on master release date. Name, dates, etc
Danny Archer almost 9 years ago in Reports 0 Shipped

Way to hide merged ideas

If I merge two ideas, the merged idea needs to not show up in my ideas lists. At least give me a filter option to hide those.
Jake Spirek almost 9 years ago in Ideas 4 Shipped

Two Way Jira Sync for Initiative/ Epic custom fields

As far as I am aware you can only map feature custom fields, and I'd like to be able to maintain due dates, team and other custom fields at the Initiative level.
Guest almost 8 years ago in Jira 1 Shipped

Send parking lot items to sprint

On Aha Develop I'd like to send an entire engineering backlog (/parking lot) to a sprint. Alternatively, sending the top X items (by number or effort estimation). This will allow us to easily add a prioritized backlog to a sprint
Eitan Hakak about 2 years ago in Sprints 0 Shipped

Global or Template Release phases and milestones

I organize my product teams in a consistent fashion and we structure our work in a consistent fashion. It would be helpful if I could set my release phases and milestones either globally or to a named template that I could then select when I creat...
Guest almost 10 years ago in  1 Shipped

Clickable links in feature cards for calendar reports

We are using the new calendar view in a notebook to track/promote Product Management & Marketing events. We need viewers to be able to click a link and get more information on the event. However clickable links are not available in feature car...
Steven Pecchio over 6 years ago in Presentations 0 Shipped

Warn about potential data loss before importing from dev tool

When importing records from Rally to Aha!, I had several fields mapped as one-way from Aha! to Rally. The import process unexpectedly deleted data from these fields in Rally. I understand that the integration is making the data consistent between ...
Kelly Sebes over 5 years ago in Integrations 2 Shipped

Updating features via CSV import with incorrect "assigned_to_user" data should not reset feature to default assignee

When updating existing features, if the assigned_to_user field contains information that does not match an existing user, the feature will change ownership to the default assignee. This should instead result in a warning that the CSV import contai...
Guest over 4 years ago in Features 3 Shipped