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Allow creation of multiple variations of a roadmap

We need to have a view of an "approved" roadmap but also have the ability for various product managers to be able to use the tool to create alternative versions/proposals for the future. This will allow product managers to move features across re...
Guest over 8 years ago in Releases 2 Already exists

Add ideas to a general "parking lot" to be placed into products later

I'd like to be able to add ideas (perhaps among other things) to Aha! without having to worry about what product it belongs to. Some of my favorite "To Do" management apps, for example, allow the user to generate and record ideas quickly into a ki...
Sam Richards over 5 years ago in Application 0 Already exists

Status filters on products should only match the available status workflows for that product

Currently, all available feature status workflows appear when I select the filter by feature status in my products...including the default system workflows which are assigned to none of my projects. This is a frustrating UX experience - the on...
Guest over 5 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Link Features to Multiple JIRA Projects

This would be useful in sending features to more than a single JIRA project. Our development teams are organized around services and platforms and often end user product releases rely on multiple JIRA projects and teams. It would be ideal to link ...
Ryan Schultz over 8 years ago in Jira 0 Already exists

Have to-dos sorted

Can we have to-dos sorted by: alphabetical order assignee due date
joost boerhout over 8 years ago in Application 3 Already exists

Create dependencies to milestones

Right now the Gantt charts are basic to the point of being (possibly) less than a MVP tool. For example, there appears to be no way to create dependancies to a milestone, such as a ship date. Why not? This is somewhat related to https://big.ideas....
Dan B over 8 years ago in Releases 3 Already exists

Private to-dos. Todos are visible to everyone. This causes issues with security and legal .

Add a checkbox to "To-do" creation which makes the to-do visible to only the creator. This would be great for legal teams and security teams who may have to dos that are specific to their orgs but shouldn't be visible organization wide.
Guest almost 3 years ago in My work 0 Already exists

Let me arrange things on my My Work page

Due to our workflow, I do not get assigned Features. However, I have LOTS of To-dos instead. Can I arrange the My Work page according to how I manage my work? Right now, the Features section is huge but empty.
Guest almost 3 years ago in To-dos 1 Already exists

Drag and Drop in Bulk Feature for Conversions

Introduce drag and drop feature (in bulk) for converting features into master features or mater features into regular features. This will save time and allow bulk actions for imported data and when manipulating multiple feature cards in correct hi...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Features 0 Already exists

Filter by Product or Feature Board When adding new Feature/Master Feature

Give users option to filter by all products or current products/feature boards when adding new feature or master feature (why scroll through all irrelevant items). This will save time and make it more user friendly.
Guest almost 3 years ago in Features 5 Already exists