Allow the capability of removing automatic alphabetizing for custom user fields
For some projects there are multiple PMs working on the project. Need the capability to add multiple names in the field without the system automatically sorting the order in the field. Lead PM needs to be first in the field.
Belinda McMorran
almost 5 years ago
in Releases
Future consideration
We call product line Initiatives "Missions", while product Initiatives remain as Initiatives. I have made these customisations to the terminology in Aha. The headings in hierarchy reports change depending on which workspace I have active on the to...
Miika Kettunen
almost 4 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Add a new role in Aha that CANNOT create or view reports and roadmaps
This will be useful for a product organization that would like to provide access to teams outside of products but do NOT want those non-product users to create or view reports or roadmaps. Currently, there is no role that prevents users from creat...
almost 5 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
Ideas portal search: provide options to sort results
It's unclear how Aha decides to sort search results on an Ideas portal. As an end user, I want to be able to sort by: Vote count (highest at top - I would likely make this the default) Time (most recent at top) Relevancy (whatever Aha believes are...
Brian Trombley
almost 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Capacity planning for teams - provide utilization per feature for reporting
The capacity report for teams shows the utilization for all features assigned to a team for a month. To see the utilization per feature, I need to filter the capacity report to one feature at a time. It would be helpful to see the utilization per ...
Craig Pflumm
almost 5 years ago
Future consideration
Show comments added in JIRA as part of a state transition.
Currently, when a comment is add to a JIRA issue as part of a state transition, the comment is not shown in AHA.
This is a real issue for us since the Engineering team adds useful comments in JIRA when they move an issue between states. This means...
Michael Buonassisi
over 5 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
It would be helpful if we had an option on initiatives and rollup initiatives to automatically include any records related to the records related to the initiative. For example, after associating a release to an initiative, we could click a button...
Kyle Kinder
over 1 year ago
in Features
Future consideration
Possibility to use one field multiple times in filters (e.g. Start Date of a feature)
Ability to use the same field in filtering multiple times is necessary for this scenario: “Start date is greater than last month OR Start date IS NULL?” When do I use this? When I need to show features from release that were either started during ...
Daniel Pokrývka
almost 5 years ago
in Reports
Future consideration
Import from CSV - Be able to update existing requirements like you can features
The Import from CSV utility allows for you to perform import updates to existing features by referencing the Feature ID. It would be highly desirable to be able to do the same with existing requirements that are part of the same feature by keying ...
Matt Case
about 8 years ago
in Features
Will not implement