Allow card customizations within dependency visualizer
What is the challenge? When visualizing record relationships users would like to customize the card display What is the impact? Unable to see record information at a glance Describe your idea Allow users to customize cards within the dependency vi...
Kristina Gass
3 months ago
in Strategy
Future consideration
Display release progress bar on epic/features board
What is the challenge? When working on the epics/feature board, I need to see the release progress for each without needing to click on the release name to see the progress. We have multiple releases that are in progress at any given time and this...
Mike Levinson
3 months ago
in Features
Future consideration
Allow Release Date (internal) and Release End date (date range) to sync
Who would benefit? The Release date (internal) drives many of the OOTB reporting functionality in Aha! so it must be maintained and accurate for reporting to be accurate. For many teams, the end date of the release and the Release date (internal) ...
Bonnie Trei
about 1 year ago
in Releases
Future consideration
The Prioritization view for ideas and features provides the ability to sort the main list by the Score. It would be helpful to sort by any of the columns displayed in the view.
In this use case, ideas for multiple products are gathered in a single portal and linked to a single workspace for triaging. The team wants to filter the exploration view by custom fields. In particular, these are custom fields created for product...
Dale Potter
over 1 year ago
Future consideration
The "Release Capacity" dialog allows users to enter in a capacity amount. however, the dialog doesn't much help in figuring the hours, days nor weeks. For example, I needed to manually calculate that there are 22 working days in July 2016 by count...
Record successful updates in Aha! from Jira "update records" action
What is the challenge? Currently, there are log events for successful updates made from Jira when using the "Update Records" action What is the impact? Users have no way of knowing which records were successfully updated and what fields were chang...
Stephanie Lechner
5 months ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Capacity planning - sync functionality available for initial and detailed estimates
Taking an initiative level as an example, for initial estimates you can view the capacity planning based on allocation across teams, you can further allocate to individual/s within that team if you know who will be working on the initiative. Once ...
Ruth Gardiner
about 2 years ago
in Capacity planning
Future consideration
What is the challenge? Knowledge bases can link out to external pages/services but do not currently support embedding. What is the impact? Ability to embed pages will allow users to remain within the knowledge base while consuming external informa...
Brittany Rhoney
3 months ago
in Knowledge base
Future consideration