Add Snapshot Date/Time to Presentation Items Using Manual Updates
As a Product Manager, I need to be sure that presentation items using manual snapshot update methods have their snapshot date/time present so that: The update is understood in the correct time context I have a visual reminder to update content whe...
Dan Molloy
over 4 years ago
in Presentations
Future consideration
Currently the ideas portal search function allows only the search of idea titles. Adding an advanced search function with options to search by originator or search within comments will make the system more navigable.
over 3 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Allow deselection of Feature Name on the Features Roadmap
The Features roadmap currently contains the Feature Name and ID and you are not able to remove it. We have a use case where we have a custom field to capture the "marketing name" for our features that we would prefer to display on the Features Roa...
Madeleine Black
over 3 years ago
in Roadmaps
Future consideration
For longer Epic/Feature descriptions, I would like to have an automatic Table of Content that links to the headings, preferably where you can set the maximum heading level (e.g. only show heading 1s, only show heading 1 and 2)
Martin Haitsma
over 3 years ago
in Features
Already exists
Customize default sort on ideas portal landing page
Currently the Idea Portal default takes you automatically to the Trending tab. I'd like to have the ability to select either the Recent, Trending or Popular tabs as the default view for users.
John Goodloe
over 6 years ago
in Ideas
Future consideration
Managing a large pool of seats is time consuming. Instead of trimming a list we'd like to define who can use the paid seat and then pay for a concurrent limit. So say we have 250 people in portfolio management (which could be defined by HR job rol...
Keith Mantell
over 4 years ago
Unlikely to implement
I am running a pivot report across my products and releases, by Feature Type, summing the size of the cards. Rather than selecting "Release 1, Product A" + "Release 1, Product B" + "Release 1, Product C" from the Release Filter, I want to just sel...
over 6 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
At this time, it is possible to embed a Whiteboard in a Note, although it does not render correctly in the PDF export of the note. What this request is about is to allow embedding drawings, and allow a proper PDF export where the drawing s...
Fede Garibaldi
about 2 years ago
in Notes
Will not implement
Calculate initiative progress by feature remaining estimate
Having the ability to calculate the progress of an EPIC based on the linked features remaining estimate is great. This helps provide a very accurate progress based on the work remaining in our feature records. We currently provide progress updates...
Shawn Zenz
over 4 years ago
in Account settings
Future consideration
When configuring options for choices, tags, and others, you can change the color for the labels. This currently displays for ideas within Aha!, but not on the Aha! ideas portal. (As of now they are grey default text). I just wanted to put in a req...
Dylan D'Erminio
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration