The current hierarchy is either too high, either too low for adequate product breakdown, and hence create difficulties in work assignment and follow up.
Initiative to Epic=ok, Feature to Feature, ADD User Story level in between, Reqs to Reqs=ok
When I create a new project, I start by creating an initiative then creating epics that are associated to the initiative. When I create features related to the epics, it does not inherit the association back to the initiative.
Fred Mahakian
about 4 years ago
in Features
Deleting All Watchers brings you back to Work tab, not watcher tab
Steps to reproduce:
My profile -> Watchers Tab
Click a product with watchers
Delete All Watchers - open modal, yes delete all
Takes me to the Work tab - then I have to go back to the watchers tab
Don't hijack native COMMAND-F behavior on published roadmap screen to go full screen
Hitting COMMAND-F on a published roadmap screen takes you into full screen view.
This is very unhelpful when what I really want to do is search the page for a particular release using the native browser Find / Find in page functionality which is ...
Idea Portal: Filter should not be removed when I switch between Recent, Trending and Popular
Problem:Whenever I switch between Recent, Trending and Popular I lose my selected focus (filter). Solution:Do not remove the selected filter until I click on the remove button ("X").
Gergo Navratyil
about 8 years ago
in Ideas
Allow idea portals to be separate from IP access control
For the enterprise large company use case where they wish to have a public Ideas portal but otherwise lock down Aha! access (including notebooks) via IP.
I've created a few custom fields and provided the user with a 'Tools Tip' popup dialogue to provide more information about that particular field. I've also included an HTML link for the user where they can get information/help, but the window disa...