I'd like to be able to see the changes in each item directly in the integration updates main window, without having to click into each item individually.
Perhaps, allow adding what fields you want to see in that main window.
Max Cascone
about 7 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement
Nice feature: https://blog.aha.io/create-a-self-running-roadmap-presentation/
Provides the ability to have continuous presentation of information on monitors for staff.
One challenge, I have notebooks that have Pivot table that are larger than t...
about 7 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
More flexibility of results ui in the ideas portal
Allow for greater customisation of the results page (image heroes / card layout) At present it's quite text heavy and could be more exciting / easier to consume
Jimmy Adams
about 7 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
If I update a Requirement after the Feature has been synced to JIRA, I want to be able to immediately have the corresponding Story in JIRA updated to match it. The synchronisation seems to take more than 10 minutes to go through.
Like we have Acti...
When I create a view I want to share in all notebooks (for consistency) but the data needs to be filtered, I find the filters drop when added to a notebook as a live update view. Example: If I have 1 view I want to share with 50 notebooks but each...
about 7 years ago
in Presentations
Unlikely to implement
Please highlight the current on the calendar at open time. also, provide the ability to configure calendars to open on today's date or last opened date.
It is nice to have, but it helps to know quickly what current date in the calendar
about 7 years ago
in Reports
Already exists
Provide ability for users to contact internal support
It would be great if users could contact an internal support "champion". Internal support could be reached via a chat window that's somewhat hidden unless required. It would be good if chat support supported an integration (Skype, SLack etc) so th...
Daniel Scudds
about 7 years ago
in Application
Unlikely to implement