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Azure DevOps Services and Server

Showing 111

Exportable list of orphaned workitems in Integrations update modal

Who would benefit? Aha admins, dev lead What impact would it make? Improved collaboration, minimizing integrations admin How should it work? Use case: I want to inform and support development team creating Azure Devops work items on Requirement le...
Mats Hultgren about 1 year ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Allow Integration variable on Create Record layout

Currently when creating a feature, I have to create the feature and then manually send the integration to ADO. I want to have a variable on the Create Record Layout screen to be able to choose this option when creating the feature. This way I can ...
Kalyndra Craven over 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Ability to customize the Import Import New Records dialog box and functionality

It would be very helpful to be able to customize and configure the Import New Records dialog box. Specifically I would like to be able to select additional/different information about each record (i.e. Azure DevOps work item #, State, Iteration) i...
cheryl fetchko over 5 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Links to Azure DevOps items should be dynamically created based on integration settings

We underwent a branding change and had to update our Azure subdomain and after updating all our workspace integrations in Aha!, the hyperlinks (Azure DevOps Services url) were still pointing to the old subdomain and there is no way to refresh them...
Guest over 2 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Azure DevOps integration support for designating default Iteration as backlog

Currently the Azure DevOps Services integration supports configuration of the project and the project area. All work items go to the root project iteration level. However, multiple teams may work in a single project and have a different iteration ...
Ronnie Merkel almost 5 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 2 Future consideration

Allow mapping Release as a field on Requirements in Azure DevOps integration

Due to our iterations setup in Azure DevOps (ADO) we do not currently map Releases as a record. We are sending this instead as a field on the Epic and Feature records to a custom field in ADO. We would like to do the same on Requirements but it is...
Guest over 3 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Provide the ability to map the Release field from a Feature or Epic to an external system such as ADO

Given that AHA is all about releases and ADO is all about time lines, the concept of a Release in AHA is quite different than what exist in ADO - yet there is a Target Release field in ADO as well as in the Feature of AHA - please can this be expo...
Dirk K almost 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 1 Future consideration

Limit workspace users choice to 1 user instead of multiple (like the Assigned to) field

I need to add the workspace users as a custom field in my template and currently it doesn't limit to just one user, it allows multiple users which I cannot have. Can we have an option to make it a single choice only. in the attached graphic is the...
Stacy Monnahan over 2 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Sync DevOps Commenter Name in Comment Sync

We are an outsourced product management company, so we have alot of integrations to alot of our customers. We have found that when an individual in one of our customers orgs makes a comment, the comment text is sync'd, but the name of the person w...
Guest about 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Text formatting when sending to Azure Boards

When sending work items Azure Boards, bulleted lists don't work properly in Azure. If I have a bulleted list in Aha, tabbing the bulleted list in Azure does not increase the level of the bullets. It just adds tabbed space between the text and the ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration