Function as a hub to push data from JIRA to DevOps
We use JIRA internally for tracking most of our development work, while a customer we work for uses DevOps. We also use Aha. We would like our customers to be able to see JIRA comments pushed through to DevOps. We tried to use Aha as a 'hub' to do...
Though we have Iteration path integration between Aha and ADO. This is currently limited to show dynamic values for the integrations. Also the Iteration Path is based on the Area Path, the values of Iteration path cannot be filtered / shown releva...
Links to Azure DevOps items should be dynamically created based on integration settings
We underwent a branding change and had to update our Azure subdomain and after updating all our workspace integrations in Aha!, the hyperlinks (Azure DevOps Services url) were still pointing to the old subdomain and there is no way to refresh them...
Filter capabilities on the Integration Update Import screen
As one Product Owner of a very large product that has a lot of product owners, I would like more filter capabilities on the Integration Updates import screen so that I can only see items that pertain to my portion of the backlog. This request is s...
New features created via an ADO integration are assigned to the parent epic release by default
Key problem: the "Parent" field in ADO can contain only one value. In ADO, a feature is automatically associated to the same theme as its' parent epic, but in Aha! this is not the case. So when features import, we associate them with the correct p...
Add ability to customize the "Integration updates" modal
Request the ability to customize what is displayed and in what order on the "Integration updates" modal. We are integrated with Azure DevOps (ADO) Services, so our specific request is to display the ADO ID at the top level on this modal. It will m...
Limit workspace users choice to 1 user instead of multiple (like the Assigned to) field
I need to add the workspace users as a custom field in my template and currently it doesn't limit to just one user, it allows multiple users which I cannot have. Can we have an option to make it a single choice only. in the attached graphic is the...
When sending work items Azure Boards, bulleted lists don't work properly in Azure. If I have a bulleted list in Aha, tabbing the bulleted list in Azure does not increase the level of the bullets. It just adds tabbed space between the text and the ...
Allow scheduled update of all linked records for DevOps
As the service hooks from DevOps to Aha are seldomly failing, it often results in having some records not in sync in Aha. This can be solved by running an update of all the linked records from the Aha integration page, but this requires to be manu...