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Searching for a phrase

I can't find a way in Aha search to search for a phrase. E.g. I want to search for the phrase "special feature" but using quotes doesn't work. Is there a way I can do this? Can search match on an exact phrase rather than individual words?
Guest almost 8 years ago in Search 1 Future consideration

Search for exact match

If I search for the word “paste” using the magnifying glass search I get loads of hits for the word “past”. This is really annoying. Please can there be an option for searching for an exact match for text.
Guest about 6 years ago in Search 2 Future consideration

Use semantic search to find Ideas

Who would benefit? Everyone What impact would it make? Users could more easily find Ideas and PMs would spend less time deduplicating How should it work? Search for Ideas should not only use lexical/keyword search but also semantic search to find ...
Matt Kalan about 1 year ago in Search 0 Future consideration

Show recently created records in the 'Recent' list of Aha! search

What is the challenge? When I create records from the + button, often I need to get back to them soonish after creating them (but not always right away) What is the impact? It's more work than it should be to get back to the record I created Descr...
Todd Meyer 7 months ago in Search 0 Future consideration

Component lookup by numeric id for relationships, hashtag referencing etc

Currently, when looking for a specific component via relationship or when using "#" in a note/comment etc and you know the id, you always have to put in the whole id including the workspace prefix. If you only use the numeric id, you don't see any...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Search 0 Future consideration

Add a Search URL to support Chrome Search Engines

For all of my commonly used web applications (JIRA, Salesforce, Confluence) the search results are on a page with a specific URL. This allows me to create a Chrome 'search engine' so I can search without first navigating to the app. For example, I...
Michael Prescott about 3 years ago in Search 2 Already exists

Feature Description Search filter

Feature Description Search – Search for certain text within the feature description field. Currently, Feature Name has this feature but not Feature Description. Today the filter for Feature Description only gives you Empty, Not Empty, and Both. Id...
Victoria Morrella over 4 years ago in Search 1 Future consideration

Make searching for items more flexible

When I am searching for records (usually those with high volume such as ideas or features), the search limits me to "exact match" on whatever text I enter. For example, let's say I know there is an idea that contains the words 'address' and 'charg...
Guest about 3 years ago in Search 1 Future consideration

Ensure search results are unique, with no dupicates

Currently when I search for a key word the same record is shown multiple times in the search results (as explained here, the results are triggered by the search term being found in different parts of the same record). This makes the search results...
Alex Horan over 7 years ago in Search 0 Already exists

Include dashboards, presentations and all reports in search results

What is the challenge? When I search for a dashboard by name it should appear in the search results. What is the impact? Make it easier to find my stuff in Aha! Describe your idea
Chris Waters 10 months ago in Reports / Search 0 Future consideration