Bulk update To-do's (e.g. marking them complete, etc.)
We get assigned many To-do's, and it would be nice if instead of having to click on each To-do and marking them complete, etc., can we be able to multi-select/bulk update more than 1 To-Do and marking them complete, for example?
I often create to do's while on calls and sometimes its not always clear / easy to assign them to an epic right away. Or, the to-do is to find out if the to-do should really be a to-do ;-) and once confirmed it is, needs moved to a epic.
After adding a new to-do on the My Work screen, it should immediately show in my list
If I add a new To-Do, assigned to myself, via the "+" on the My work screen, it doesn't show up in my list of To-dos until I refresh the screen. It should show up immediately.
If to-dos without due dates were shown below the calendar, they would always be visible and we could drag-n-drop them onto the calendar. That would be awesome!
We don't find it useful that Aha! automatically assigns a To-do to the person creating the To-do because we often create To-dos during a team meeting and the person creating the To-do is not the person it is assigned to.
If we assign To-dos, we do...
Some enhancements for to-do's:
If a to-do is created directly (i.e. created outside a feature/initiative/...), it would be useful to be able to subsequently associate that with a particular feature/initiative/... without having to create another ...
Address inconsistency in behavior in the My Work screen with To-dos pertaining to the "Assigned to me" vs. the "Completed" tabs
There is currently a mis-match or inconsistency in behavior in the My Work screen with To-dos pertaining to the "Assigned to me" vs. the "Completed" tabs that can result in data gaps where individuals don't have visibility into the complete pictur...
Make sure direct links to to-dos will always load the to-do
If you get an email with a link to complete a ToDo which is almost due or overdue, there are situations where the link will not actually load the ToDo.
An example is if you have an overdue ToDo for a Q32017 goal but you happen to have had the goa...