Currently to-do notifications will look two days in advance for to-dos due soon. But we would like to customize the notification date and times because two days in advance is too short for us to get notifications. (For example, we want to get noti...
almost 7 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
Each change of a due date in my To-Dos list view take 4 clicks to expand the task, navigate to the date, change the date, and collapse the task. I just want to change the date so I can move a to-do to the next day or the next week... or pull up on...
Richard Price
over 2 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Currently To-do's are counting weekend days also and sometimes making a due date during the weekend. This is causing staff to think they are expected to come in and work items on weekends. It is also difficult to get an accurate due date when we d...
Ray Devenney
over 2 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Ability to see to-do's via the workflow view, under the feature (and thus the status of the feature)
provides another simple, pre-built view to see to-do's that are rolled up to features which are separated by their status, and filtered by individuals/channels
The way we are structuring our use of Aha! is to have individual contributors focus...
about 5 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Please add ability to transition data from to-do to idea/feature
When I task someone to go research something, get answers, create specs, etc via a to-do task, one they fulfill their task the info kind dies unless I copy/paste it all into something else. Everything else is promote-able... why not to-dos?
almost 8 years ago
in To-dos
Will not implement
Make it possible to connect to-do's with activities in calendar view
I find it very helpful to keep track of my to-do's in the calendar view but when I want to add a new to-do there is no way of connecting it to an already existing activity. In order to do so, I need to go back to Initiatives which is a hassle. I w...
about 5 years ago
in Calendar / To-dos
Unlikely to implement
It seems to-dos are treated as an after-thought in the overall navigation design of Aha! I would like to see a separate menu item for accessing and reporting on To-dos. Currently, I have to create a list report in the Roadmaps section, and that's ...
over 5 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
For some reason the To-Do's don't show their assignee until you expand them. It would be great to be able to see the assignee without having to expand it.
Max Cascone
about 8 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
Create multiple features from a single work request
Often times a work request may encompass the work that needs to be split out into multiple features and we would like to be able to create multiple features before a work request is completed.
Connie Lin
over 2 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration