Sometimes it can be hard to wade through a lot of notification emails from Aha! and keep track of what requires action. Something I wish Aha! had was the ability to assign a to-do directly in a comment. That way the person leaving a comment doesn'...
Emily Yankush
over 1 year ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
When assigning To-Dos to someone, it'd be useful to know how much time they're spending on it, rather than just Done/Not Done. That could be rolled into the feature/requirement/etc's time estimates, too.
This would need to be enterable by Reviewers.
Max Cascone
about 8 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
It would be great if you could make To Dos more functional.
attach an existing to do to a new idea
create an idea from a To Do
change a To Do into an idea
Sherri Anderson
about 5 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Adjust to-do due dates automatically when changing feature timeframe
I'd like to see the ability to automatically move to-do due dates relatively to the change in feature timeline. For example, if the feature ran from May 1-May 10, and a to-do had a due date of May 2, shifting the feature from May 3-May 12 would mo...
almost 7 years ago
in To-dos
Unlikely to implement
As a power user of tasks and the to-do view who uses dates to sort by priority, I would like to be able to change the due date by interacting with the date badge so that i can avoid the multile clicks and visual scrolling to find the date field an...
Richard Price
almost 2 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
Sometimes I get behind on to-dos. I'm only human. Unfortunately, if the to-do was due in a previous month, it's extra clicks to get to the current month. The same is true for future to-dos that I need to move to this month.
Nathaniel Collum
almost 2 years ago
in To-dos
Future consideration
It seems crazy, but I get a lot of users asking me how to turn off alerts for to-dos that they completed months ago. They've been suffering in silence for months! haha
What isn't obvious to the uninitiated is that a to-do is a checklist item that ...
about 7 years ago
in To-dos
Will not implement
TODO strike-through colour is too bright in dark mode
The strike-through colour on TODO titles is not properly themed for dark mode and this makes completed TODO titles hard to read. Other UI elements might have the same issue
almost 2 years ago
in Development / To-dos
Future consideration