Option to dissociate in application Read Status of a notification from Notification email Read Status
The current behaviour of Aha automatically marks the Read / Unread status of a notification as Read where the associated Email notification is opened by a user. This is not always desirable, and an option should be set to allow for this to be swit...
I want to create the same comment on multiple features (sometimes epics) - It would be great if I could do this using Bulk Edit! Would still want the ability to @tag someone in this type of bulk edit comment area.
While viewing an item (idea or feature, for example) enable to control my notifications of that specific item. Today, I have to go to notifications and find the item to change notifications. Interestingly, there's neither a search feature nor refe...
Add Release (Schedule) Name to Instant Notifications
I've received requests from several Aha! users to include the Release (Schedule) name and Feature (Activity) name in all notifications. The Feature (Activity) name is included in instant notifications and the Workspace name is included in the dige...
Whenever a User is added to a Custom Table User Field, add them as a Watcher
When you have a User Field in a Custom Table, add them as a Watcher. Similar to how @'ing someone makes them a Watcher. In fact, whenever a User is referenced, they should become a Watcher.
Capture replies to an automation email as a Comment
We have created an Automation Rule in one of our workspaces to send an email to specific people when a new Feature is created. Some email recipients have replied to these emails expecting their response to be captured as a Comment in the Feature r...
Keep notification's email subject consistent to allow email threads/conversations instead of single emails per change
As a user, I would have all the notifications email for specific ideas or releases in a single conversation/thread.
In Gmail, if I receive multiple emails with the same subject, they get grouped in a conversation/thread. To do this, I believe the ...
Don't notify me when others complete a to-do I was assigned
When I am assigned a to-do along with many other people at my company, I do not want to receive notifications every time another person at my company completes the same to-do. Perhaps the owner of the to-do can get these, but not the assignees. It...