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Showing 187

Add "My Comments " filter

Add "My Comments " filter. Now user can see on the main page: "My Ideas", "My votes", "My subscriptions", for some portals "My organization". Filter "My Comments" is not available. I propose to add this filter, so the user can see comments done b...
Vadim Aniskin almost 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Future consideration

Enhance Notification to display Idea Identification in subject line

As a user I follow many Ideas and get updates about changes. All notification messages have the same subject line and have to be opened in order to understand about which Idea the message is about. Would it be possible to add the Idea Identificati...
Guest almost 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Prevent users of adding comments and/or to-dos in custom templates

Users get confused and add comments about the feature in the requirement card. Same happens with to-do. As a consequence, the progress is calculated wrong and the reports don’t show the information you want, like “last comment”.
Juliano Silva about 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Add field "Notify User" to Work Request

Without having to assign someone as a workspace owner, please add a "notify user" field that will pull from the list of valid users for the person submitting the request to pull from. This field should allow for multiple users to be chosen to rece...
Anita Harsanyi about 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 3 Future consideration

Rename lifecycle email setting

On a user's notification preferences screen, there is a setting for "Stop receiving lifecycle emails". It would be more clear to call this "Stop receiving onboarding emails" or add helper text below it to explain what these emails are.
Emily Yankush about 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Adding a comments field to custom table records

We use a custom table to house our Program Increment objectives, and use pivot tables to report on them during the PI. We love the ability to show a field "Last Comment" on other reports and that ability would be extremely helpful on our custom ta...
Guest over 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Link called "Releases Assigned to You" in weekly email summary should link me to a page showing ALL my releases at once.

Seems odd that "Releases assigned to you" shows only 1 release no matter how many are assigned to me. I understand that in the drop down, I can see ALL releases assigned to me and then select each one (individually) but I would rather see a list o...
Guest over 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

send comments at time of integration or allow admins to configure that option

Our PMs do not want the comments automatically (and permanently) withheld from integration as described in the knowledge base. They call it a bug if their comments to engineering are not sent at time of integration send, and no action can force th...
Kevin Martin over 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Ability to select workspace owner/contributor when setting automations

Our use case: We are creating automations where when an initiative is placed in status at risk, we generate an email alert to the owner of the workspace. Currently we need to do this by name specifically, but it would make it more scalable to be a...
Nerissa Muijs over 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Allow record owner to edit and delete other users' comments on that record.

In our use case, we manage work and collaboration using Comments in Aha records. Many collaborators add comments and we are working with a large number of records. To focus discussion, it would be helpful to be able to edit and delete comments, bu...
William Judd over 2 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration