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Showing 190

Limit recipients of release notifications

The platform I manage has a wide range of stakeholders. Not every release is relevant to everyone one (some are internal). I would therefore like to restrict who gets what information so it des not confuse people. I am not sure that preventing the...
Guest over 9 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Already exists

Better Comment Visibility / Consolidated View

Aha does a great job of surfacing all the attachments onto one page ((product > files), no matter where in the content they are(initiative, feature, requirement, release, added to a comment, etc). But if people write comments, they are buried d...
Guest over 9 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Will not implement

Option to dissociate in application Read Status of a notification from Notification email Read Status

The current behaviour of Aha automatically marks the Read / Unread status of a notification as Read where the associated Email notification is opened by a user. This is not always desirable, and an option should be set to allow for this to be swit...
Guest almost 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Future consideration

Reduce Email Delivery Time (to a consistent 30 seconds to a minute delay after last activity)

As a user, my expectation is that I should receive an email notification in a minute or less, otherwise I assume that the email functionality is broken. Some Aha! emails come through almost instantly, while others take anywhere between 5 and 30 mi...
Guest almost 10 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Will not implement

Auto-Tag object IDs (Features/Master Features/Releases/etc) in comments

Sometimes, when I'm trying to refer to other objects in Aha! in a comment, I want to be able to just enter the ID of the object and have it auto-link to that. JIRA has this feature and it's helpful so we can avoid having to look up references. Som...
Jess Cook almost 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 1 Already exists

Quick way to respond to comment notifications

When looking at my notifications, often I want to respond to one about a comment. Presently I have to click on the notifications title and then scroll to find the comment. It would be helpful to have a button to open the drawer and scroll directly...
Jonathan Steel over 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Already exists

Bulk Edit / Disable Weekly Digests

We have Aha users from many departments. When users are created, they are automatically assigned to weekly updates of products. There should be a way to disable this company wide
Guest over 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Unlikely to implement

Need a way to highlight Participating and Watched items in notification settings

The notification settings page (under Settings > Account > Notifications) needs a way to quickly highlight any products that you are participating and/or watching. We currently have hundreds of products, so it is painful to have to manually ...
Cindy Datlof over 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 2 Will not implement

Send notification to a certain person based on chosen value

I would be quite beneficial for us if based on the value chosen by user (for example in our "Deployment Scenario" field) a certain user could be notified of idea being created. (assuming, of course, that we can map given users to certain values du...
Guest over 5 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Unlikely to implement

When participating and watching a record, a user should receive a notification based on the preference that yields the notification soonest

Users can specify their notification preferences for both records that they are participating in and for records that they are watching, respectively. For situations where a user is participating and watching the same record, they will receive a n...
Mark Eaves almost 6 years ago in Comments / Notifications 0 Unlikely to implement