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Account settings

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Allow product owners to add free users to products

As a product owner (who is not a paid seat group owner), I would like the ability to add free users to my products so I can control who has access to my products.
Guest about 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Allow product owners to remove users from their products

As a product owner user, I would like to be able to remove users from products that I own so I can control who has access to my products.
Guest about 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Already exists

Colours for custom fields, especially record relationships

When creating custom fields for record relationships, these only are presented as plain grey links. It would be great if these links could be coloured - either by specifically choosing colours, or by programmtically setting colours like with tags....
Guest about 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Permission Types

It would be useful to have a different colour or small banner next to the user account so that they know the access type they have when they are looking at a product. If the user hovered over that banner or their profile a link or pop out could ap...
Andrew Brooks over 5 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Custom terminology for new "Roadmap" menu

Currently, you can create custom terminology for most of the menu's in Aha and other terminology. I would also like to be able to rename the Roadmap menu (for example to Reports, as this is more meaningful for our company) as the new Roadmap menu ...
Julie Edwards over 5 years ago in Account settings 8 Future consideration

Turn everything on by default

I ditched you during a trial because I couldn't find the features you promised on your website. Where is time estimation? Where is the Kanban board? If these are important enough to get modules on the site, they are important to users, and you kno...
Guest over 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

Add a comment field to users

A comment field per user would be really useful for us to track things like, there manager, their cost code. Various things which would be helpful for us managing seats.
greg roberts over 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Future consideration

User name in users export csv

One of my reports uses the "feature user" in it and has a columns for the user with say "Greg Roberts"However when you export the user list, there is first name, last name columns but to actual user name columns (i.e. first + last)Having this woul...
greg roberts over 5 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Ability to choose which products a custom field is available to

Within a large company with many products, some custom fields are simply not relevant to another products. Provide the ability (at the account level) to specify which products can view and use the custom field I see that custom fields were origin...
Guest over 5 years ago in Account settings 1 Future consideration

Remain authenticated on browser or PC restart when on trusted client

So far, one must re-authenticate every time its browser or PC is restarted, for security. The result is not a fancy User Experience. I guess many users have a "trusted" PCs or laptops for a day-to-day work. Many online services offer to skip auth...
Guest over 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Will not implement