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My votes: Account settings

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Ablility to make custom fields mandatory or optional with visibility contraints for a better User experience

it's all about the user experience and would be nice to indicate which fields are mandatory or optional versus only optional. we have to indicate in the help text whether it is mandatory or optional and also use * to indicate mandatory beside the ...
Guest over 6 years ago in Account settings 1 Shipped

Ability to Edit Custom Field "Type"

Hi, We have instances where sometimes a custom field "Type" needs to be updated due to a later integration. It would be optimal to be able to adjust the existing field from one type to another (ie from "Predefined Choice List" to "Predefined Tags...
Jason Colon over 7 years ago in Account settings 1 Shipped

Ability to distinguish between users with the same real name

In a large organization (3000+ folks, like mine), there are bound to be users who have the same first + last name, as is used in Aha when @-mentioning a user. When using this @-mention feature, there isn't a way to distinguish between these users,...
Guest over 5 years ago in Account settings 2 Shipped

Need an admin dashboard similar to the report dashboard

I'd like to request a dashboard for Admins. I envision a way to cross reference various bits and pieces of Aha that can be challenging to find under the current schema. For example: Finding Release Templates I currently have a a Product Hierarchy...
Joe Carpenter over 6 years ago in Account settings 2 Shipped

Aha User Management: Please provide a history for each user

Use Case: I would like to have a running history for each user that can be accessed (when were they granted access, dates permissions to various products were applied, when they were deactivated, etc.) Ideally this data would also be exportable.
Joe Carpenter almost 8 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped

Export list of users

As an account administrator, I would like the ability to export a list of all my users to a .csv file and include information on their last login as well as their user role access to the various product/product lines in my account. Name E...
Danny Archer almost 9 years ago in Account settings 2 Shipped

Work Request - Release selection

When promoting to a feature or epic, allow for selection of Release the Feature or Epic should tie to– currently Epics and Features seem to be assigned to a release randomly.
Karla Johnson almost 3 years ago in Account settings 1 Shipped

Ability to disable users in bulk

Currently you have to disable each user one at a time. Would be much quicker to perform this in bulk; ideally via .csv mapping.
Julie Edwards almost 5 years ago in Account settings 1 Shipped

Ability to Clone Custom Field Layouts

We have some Products that have slight variations of already existing layouts and it would be extremely efficient to not have to recreate the entire layout for each section. If able to clone, we could just clone existing layout which is close and ...
Jason Colon over 7 years ago in Account settings 2 Shipped

More granular controls for Customization role

There are so many useful and powerful configuration features inside Aha that it can be somewhat dangerous to give someone the entire Customization role. It would be great if the controls were granular enough to give one person the ability to custo...
Guest about 5 years ago in Account settings 0 Shipped