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My ideas: User management

Showing 23

Bulk resend invite to portal users

What is the challenge? Added 2,000+ users and did not click on Yes to send the email. What is the impact? Need to send out an email with the portal link, bypassing the nice Invitation mail Describe your idea Add an option to the Users tab on the I...
Chris Brooks 6 months ago in User management 2 Shipped

Additional Unique Identifier for JWT SSO

What is the challenge? We frequently have users that move from one institution to the another. This means their records in Aha! do not match since they have the same email, and duplicate records are created. What is the impact? This could positive...
Paula Schaefer-Riley 7 months ago in User management 0 Shipped

Add unique identifiers for idea submitters

Who would benefit? Idea Submitters, Admins and POCs What impact would it make? Avoid merging user information between old and new idea submitters with the same name and contact details How should it work? Currently, the only identifier used to det...
Rej Talagtag over 1 year ago in User management 0 Shipped

Bulk invite ideas portal users

You ought to be able to perform the same action on a selection of ideas portal users. Here's a scenario I recently encountered:I created an ideas portal for someone else's project. In advance of that person announcing the project and calling for f...
Guest over 4 years ago in User management 1 Shipped

Ability to modify the format and view on the "Info" tab

This page could be very useful for the way I'm using Aha! if this page allowed for some customization/re-formatting. As you can see from the attached image, I have a great deal of product information captured on the right side of the page. So much...
Don Fifer almost 5 years ago in User management 0 Shipped

Disable Public Idea Portal

From a privacy perspective, we need to disable the Public Idea Portal functionality since the ideas can be search engine indexed. Is it possible to disable this functionality for our Account?
Marina Reyna about 6 years ago in User management 0 Shipped

Customize Visibility Changes (additional Customization options)

Please add in additional options for visibility in portals. There are currently two options, Default or all ideas come in under a specific selection. I would like to be able to decide how an idea acts in a portal for an Aha! user, Employee, and Po...
Peter Segre over 6 years ago in Ideas portal / User management 1 Shipped

When importing users, the system WILL import new users and List users it cannot import.

May I suggest that when importing, the system WILL import new users and simply spit out a list of users it cannot import?That would be a time saver. Currently it simply halts with references to rows it cannot import.
Elaine Robinson over 6 years ago in User management 2 Shipped

Single Signon using OpenID Connect

OpenID Connect ( is the modern variant of SAML, and should be supported for SSO login for aha itself as well as for idea portals. OIDC is simpler to setup than SAML, and it is possible that a wider range of Identity Prov...
Jørgen Binningsbø over 7 years ago in User management 3 Shipped

Customize fields in Add a new idea form

I'd like to be able to add custom prompts for each field that is required so the user knows the type of input I need for the idea. Still evaluating AHA to be selected as the company project management tool and having this ability to "templatize" t...
Guest almost 8 years ago in User management 0 Shipped