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Mobile app for adding ideas

Aha should create a mobile app so that my customers, company employees and partners can ideas on the go. Ideas come to mind at different times and the last thing we want is for an idea to be lost. Having an app for submitting ideas will ensure the...
Shri Iyer over 7 years ago in Ideas 3 Unlikely to implement

Group Ideas in list view to one feature

When you create a list of all features assigned to a release you can add the columns for the requirements, however these columns do not all come in the correct order and each requirement creates a new line for the feature. E.G. A feature with 4 re...
Guest over 9 years ago in Features 3 Future consideration

auto update epic status

When we create an epic, and mark that its status is based on features, it should continue to adjust even if the origin feature reached 'ready to ship' and also the epic reached that state, if afterwards we are now adding new features with status u...
Ronit Binshtok almost 2 years ago in Epic 0 Future consideration

Select All Collaborators in presentations

If we need to open a presentation up to an entire team to collaborate, it's impossible to select everyone or select teams, when we have hundreds of users in the system. At minimum, there should be a 'Select All' Option in the Add Collaborators Mod...
Guest over 4 years ago in Reports 2 Future consideration

Ability to remove or change Default Text from the create new goal or initiative screens.

When you create a new goal or initiative, at the top there is default text describing what they are. The description does not align to how we are using initiatives so we would like the ability to edit that text or at least remove it.
Sharon D over 3 years ago in  1 Future consideration

View history of changes on a dashboard

Would like the ability to see who has made changes and when to a dashboard. I have just returned returned to a dashboard and despite the permissions being set to View, changes have been made and I can't see who made the changes.
Julie Edwards over 3 years ago in Reports 0 Future consideration

Custom Tables information display

The custom fields that I have created in my custom table that appears in my Ideas Portal requires me to scroll horizontally for columns that are not spaced correctly. I recommend letting the information populate/appear vertically. See attached.
Leah Gralapp almost 3 years ago in Ideas 1 Unlikely to implement

Bulk edit capacity planning teams

There are frequently changes to organizational structure where many teams need to be moved to different workspaces or moved to account level teams. There is currently no way to bulk update the workspace associated with a team within admin and requ...
Bonnie Trei 11 months ago in Capacity planning 0 Future consideration

Expose existing Aha! work items on Create whiteboard

I want to have interactive planning sessions in Aha! Roadmaps using the Create whiteboard. Today, Create allows you to create sticky notes and convert them to epics, features, etc. My use case is when product management has an existing backlog of ...
Jason Gillmore 11 months ago in Roadmaps 1 Already exists

Release Template: Phase beginning based on days before release date milestone

I work with on a periodic/fixed schedule of release dates. In that scenario the date that all phases of a release must begin is dependent on duration of the phase and the time BEFORE the release date. The template does not seem to support this. In...
Guest over 6 years ago in Releases 2 Future consideration