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Release Template: Phase beginning based on days before release date milestone

I work with on a periodic/fixed schedule of release dates. In that scenario the date that all phases of a release must begin is dependent on duration of the phase and the time BEFORE the release date. The template does not seem to support this. Instead it’s based on time AFTER the previous phase (which, I am aware, can be negative).  I would like the release template to allow me to set a phase’s end date N days before the release date milestone or the end of the next phase.

    Sep 25, 2024

    Thank you for the idea. Given the low volume of support for this idea, we do not have plans to make updates in this area at this time. As noted in the idea, it is currently possible to set this to a negative number of days after the previous phase. We hope that helps!

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    • Guest
      Jun 13, 2018

      To add to the description, it would be very helpfuf if the schedule of the phases could be done using any of:
      finish-to-start (current solution)

      start-to-start (2 phases in paralel)

      finish-to-finish (2 phases finishing together)

      some of it can be done using negative offset but it is cumersome to use

      This can be linked with idea: APP-I-1452 

    • Kevin Burges
      Feb 7, 2018

      I would like this functionality so I can have a "Prepare release email" phase which starts 7 days before the planned release date