Link Aha! feature to an already existing pivotal story
It would benefit users who are trying to clean up a project that already exists. There may be information captured in pivotal that would be time-consuming to replicate.
about 6 years ago
in Pivotal Tracker
Will not implement
Features should Inherit initiatives from Release & Master Release so all Pivotal stories are under the Epic after sending to PT (and the Epic is actually created)
When pushing a feature to Pivotal Tracker, a user can select a mapping that allows for initiatives to be mapped to epics. The only initiatives this works for are initiatives directly referenced by a Feature. Any initiatives referenced by the Relea...
over 9 years ago
in Pivotal Tracker
Unlikely to implement
Today, we can add calculated column (and edit the required formula) to a list report, there is a need to see the data of these calculated columns also in pivot report, but that is not available..
Ronit Binshtok
over 2 years ago
in Pivotal Tracker
Already exists
Pivotal Tracker: 2 way sync for Requirements — not just Features
Today PT can only update status in Aha for Features. We'd like to have it update the status of requirements as well.
In our case, it's particularly useful because we map Aha Features to PT Epics (and Aha Requirements to PT Stories). So we're blin...
Yok Tan
about 10 years ago
in Pivotal Tracker
Already exists
Sending Feature to Pivotal Tracker should send story point Estimate
When Story Points are added to a story in PT, they are updated in Aha. This is great.
However, it would also be nice if the Feature estimate in Aha (if specified in Story Points) was also sent to PT when the feature is pushed using the Action ->...
almost 9 years ago
in Pivotal Tracker
Already exists
Pivotal Stories added to Epics converted to Requirements in Features
The Pivotal integration is good, but fails to capture a common case for us. Our teams often add new Stories to Epics that are essentially Requirements on the corresponding Feature. We track progress through these Stories/Requirements. Right now, t...
Christopher M
almost 4 years ago
in Pivotal Tracker
Future consideration
Ability to Create Integration Templates for Pivotal Tracker
The integration templates for Jira have saved me TONS of time. I would love the ability to lean on templates for all of my Pivotal Tracker integrations as well.
over 6 years ago
in Pivotal Tracker
Will not implement
A lot of our features have multiple components that correspond to different projects in Pivotal Tracker. Right now I can only sync my product with a single project in PT, which means I don't get to take much advantage of the integration.
I keep a...