Map detailed estimates by initiative in Jira integration
What is the challenge? Right now, you cannot map detailed estimates by initiative. You can only map estimates for Epics, Features, and Requirements. What is the impact? When trying to estimate at a higher level and leveraging initiatives, you cann...
Kelly Fogus
5 months ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Integration error: "Review the errors" link should show the error
When sending an Aha record to Jira and there’s an error, a message appears with a “Review the errors” link. This opens up the Integration Updates modal. From this page, it's not obvious that you can view the error by hovering over the info icon to...
Brian Trombley
almost 4 years ago
in Integrations / Jira
Future consideration
Who would benefit? Jira integration users What impact would it make? Currently Jira is sending broken formatting when fields leverage wiki-rendering with tables How should it work? If a user makes an edit to a table in Jira on a wiki-rendered fiel...
Stephanie Lechner
over 1 year ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Ability to create JIRA integration thorough Aha API
We have teams with several projects and creating it through templates is not practically scalable, hence require an API to create JIRA integration manually
over 7 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
When using the JIRA Tempo plugin to track work time, it is useful to link issues to Accounts - for this the plugin exposes a custom field named Account. This field, formerly called Billing Key, is used among others in reporting, to decide which cu...
over 9 years ago
in Jira
Unlikely to implement
Currently, when a feature or epic is created in Jira and pulled over to Aha! via the integration webhook, the created by user defaults to the Aha! user who is the webhook "run as" user. Even if there is mapping setup to map the Jira "Reporter" to ...
Requesting a change to Aha! Jira integration to allow for project level automation. Project level webhooks send payloads differently than system level payloads. If support for project level webhook payloads were added, we could enable multitudes o...
over 2 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Have users in Jira and Aha matched for comments, updates etc
I realise this is not Aha's fault, but if we put the issue here with more info, users will be more likely to go to Jira to vote for the issue there.
Currently whenever someone comments on an issue in Jira, in appears in Aha as a comment from the p...
Including Dependencies in Jira integration at requirements/story level
We have been really enjoying the newer ability to include dependencies for features in our Aha-Jira integration, but are running into the issue not getting the same level of transparency for the user stories - to combat this, we would like the abi...
Trey S
over 3 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Right now, even after we manually click "Send to JIRA" for the first time for a release, subsequent changes to that release ( for eg. Addition of a feature under that release) do not automatically go through to JIRA. We'd want to have all changes ...
about 6 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration