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Status Future consideration
Categories Jira
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 7, 2019

Auto Resend all Fields per release

Right now, even after we manually click "Send to JIRA" for the first time for a release, subsequent changes to that release ( for eg. Addition of a feature under that release) do not automatically go through to JIRA. We'd want to have all changes for a release that was once force sent to JIRA, automatically sent to JIRA without having to click on "Resend all fields" button.

This is a feature request to add a new configuration setting that allows owners of a Product to have all their changes made on Aha  to be auto-sent to JIRA(or any other integration setup).

When we have setup a two way sync setup for a Product, we're aware that any change made on either of the systems would go through to the other system for which an integration has been setup. 

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    • Mark Taylor
      Feb 21, 2019

      This would be really, really useful. It will become unmanageable to the point some of users will not want to use it if ever time a new feature is created it has to manually be pushed to Jira. 

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