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Synchronize Aha! organizations custom field with Jira Integration

What is the challenge? We heavily use the Organizations custom field in Aha to map customer engagement and roadmap transparency and need that info to sync to our Jira instance. What is the impact? Disconnected systems, duplicate data entry, poor u...
Guest 3 months ago in Jira 1 Future consideration

Allow integrations such as Jira at the Product Line level

Integrations may be common across products within the same product line. It would save time and the possibility to make setup mistakes if these integrations can be setup one level higher
Steve C over 2 years ago in Jira 5 Planning to implement

Manual Sending of Requirements to integrated development tool

Presently, there isn't a way to have requirements in a draft status like there are with features. This tends to be somewhat problematic when you have multiple requirements types you work with e.g. subtasks and user stories. It will automatically s...
I R over 1 year ago in Jira 2 Future consideration

Epics that aren't selected for import in the Import list should be saved or maintained in Aha for later import.

What is the challenge? Once an epic is ignored on the import list in Aha it cannot be retrieved to be imported at a later date. What is the impact? Doubles the work of having to create the corresponding feature for the epic in Aha and then link it...
Noor Akhtar 5 months ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Include comments when importing from Jira

When you initially import issues from Jira the Jira comments are not included. This means I have to copy them across manually for every issue - very time consuming. (Comments added to Jira subsequently do appear in Aha.) Please can you include Jir...
Guest over 8 years ago in Jira 5 Planning to implement

Add 2-way integration mapping for release start and end dates

Release start date can currently only be mapped 1-way from Aha! to Jira (or any development system.) This is because that date used to be calculated based on features and phases in the release. Now that this date is set manually, it should be poss...
Austin Merritt over 4 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server  / Integrations / Jira / Rally 3 Planning to implement

Warn when there are incomplete Jira webhook settings

When setting up a webhook in Jira, you can choose specific events to trigger the webhook event. Some users accidentally select "Exclude body" which results in empty webhooks returning to Aha! and no updates being made. Other users create the webho...
Madeleine Black almost 2 years ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Support updating JIRA Integration Links by csv upload

While I recognise that moving JIRA issues between projects breaks the AHA integration links, the workarounds proposed here are not helpful. Option 1 ("Relink each record manually") is the only viable workaround, with options 2 and 3 being too haza...
Garret Duffy over 1 year ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Move Aha! Requirements when linked JIRA Stories are Moved to a different Epic/Feature

The specific use case that this commonly occurs for is the following mapping: Feature = Epic and Requirement = Story; however, the same would apply to other mappings parent child mappings such as Story/Sub-task as well. Current behavior: The int...
Matt Case over 8 years ago in Jira 13 Future consideration

Complete Auto Import Functionality -- not just children of existing linked records

This is regarding the JIRA integration feature: Automatically Import New Records: Records will be imported automatically to Aha! from Jira. This applies to records which are created as children of previously linked initiatives, releases, master...
Guest over 5 years ago in Jira 5 Future consideration