If a comment is deleted in Jira, please delete that comment in Aha! also
Some comments are for testing purposes or are not correct. If we have decided to delete a comment from an epic or story in Jira, we would like it to be removed from the feature in Aha! as well.
Kelly Sebes
almost 7 years ago
in Jira
Will not implement
What is the challenge? Often times our Engineering counters in will convert stories/Spikes/Tasks to Epics in Jira What is the impact? We're not always told when these conversions happen and often have to do duplicate work to go into Aha! and conve...
Often there are items on a roadmap that do not require Engineering work. However when a release is sent to Jira (or over dev system) all the items under that release are also sent. This means that the down stream system can become full of items in...
Ann L
about 3 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Allow child integrations to inherit the "run-as" user from an integration template
The following idea is for the JIRA integration, but could describe integrations to other development tools using a similar web hook mechanism.
The integration template functionality allows settings from a master template to be adopted by child int...
Justin Woods
over 5 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Don't Allow Jira Integration to Fail Based on One Field
What is the challenge? I have a Jira integration that integrates many standard and custom fields. If there is an issue with one of those fields for whatever reason, the entire integration fails and will continue to do so even if there is nothing w...
Support Movement of Requirements to Different Features in Other Workspaces
We recently integrated JIRA stories mapped to Aha! requirements but are running into an issue with stories moving from JIRA epic to JIRA epic. Currently, Aha! supports stories moving from epic to epic, but only if those epics are mapped to feature...
Anh Truong
almost 4 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
As a user, I want to embed ideas within Confluence so the idea status is automatically updated as the feature is being developed. My use case is as follows: A customer I am working with ran into a weird edge case. I document the workaround in Conf...
Amelia Peklar
over 1 year ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Persistent filters for integrations and incoming product updates
Using JIRA integrations, I have an Aha product that spans several JIRA projects. To work with this I have set up an integration per project with a specified JQL filter. For example my filter could include "priority = high". Other products througho...
over 6 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Sync story points to Jira without Capacity Planning
My teams doesn't use capacity planning, as we have the same team members each week, but we'd like to be able to automatically link story points to Jira.
Currently this is only accomplishable when you have enabled capacity planning, which causes me...
Michael Clinton
almost 9 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration