Escalating this issue again here as it's now been moved to Atlassian's Long-Term Backlog & is critical to the adoption of Aha! at my company (as in people want us to go back to just JIRA bc syncing is so bad & data is out of date). U...
about 6 years ago
in Jira
Future consideration
Hey, GitHub projects/issues support a new field type: iterations. With these iterations you can model sprints for sprint planning. However, custom fields of this type do not show up in the field mapping list for GitHub-integration in (yes, ...
over 1 year ago
in GitHub
Future consideration
Roadmap tool should integrate with Technopedia - Prior to Gartner "Acquiring" CEB and its road mapping tool, the State of CA and many other entities used it to first upload application product inventory, run "vendor data validation" against each p...
Allowing the ability to modify the status of a feature from Slack can be very useful when discussing features with DEV and Product teams to quickly update the move a feature from one status to another
Chris Stocker
over 6 years ago
in Slack
Future consideration
Gmail Sidebar Add-on for Tasks OR bi-directional task integration
Create add-on for new Gmail interface to view and minimally manage to-dos/tasks and features. I've been increasingly using google tasks as a result of it being integrated into sidebar. Or bi-directional integration to sync google tasks.
Kyle Carpenter
over 6 years ago
in Integrations
Future consideration
Add warning text to Custom field Key field description that changing the key value will break integration
We found that changing the key-field string of a custom field will break existing integrations with ADO where the custom field is synced to an ADO field. There is no warning or anything. This is a big risk to us and to the trust that integration r...
Allow Jira Integration to synchronize External Release Dates
In Jira, we track external Release Dates. Aha does not allow external release dates to be synced. This means our Jira is reporting inaccurate information.
over 1 year ago
in Jira
Future consideration
We have 000's of Organizations in our Aha instance and recently configured an integration with Salesforce and mapped multiple custom fields. On 'Integration updates', it would be helpful to know what would be an update to an existing Organization ...
Jeff Shaffer
over 1 year ago
in Salesforce
Future consideration
Aha! needs more robust notification functionality—particularly, conditional formatting. We use Aha! to manage GTM activities associated with product launches. I would like to use Aha! to send automated reminders/alerts to activity & to-do assi...