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Status Future consideration
Categories Integrations
Created by Kyle Carpenter
Created on Sep 4, 2018

Gmail Sidebar Add-on for Tasks OR bi-directional task integration

Create add-on for new Gmail interface to view and minimally manage to-dos/tasks and features.  I've been increasingly using google tasks as a result of it being integrated into sidebar.  Or bi-directional integration to sync google tasks.  

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Nov 12, 2019

    Sorry, just so it's clear what I'm referring to, having Aha available here:

  • Guest
    Nov 12, 2019

    Yes, to clarify my desire, it's to have Aha available in the Gsuite Marketplace as a native add-on to this area discussed by @Kyle above.  In particular I'd like to be able to simply send an email to Aha as an idea in a few clicks, and see the email that was the origin of the idea.  If we could also see Todo's out of Aha in that area, that would be a bonus!
