We typically reference feature requests by the Aha feature ID, e.g. WEB-32 or WEB-44. When we push those feature requests down to Github for development, we generally create a branch for each issue, but since we lose this information it's difficul...
David Bean
about 8 years ago
in GitHub
Unlikely to implement
Update release ranking on item reorder to Azure DevOps
Currently when a release is re-ranked in Aha, only the items that are moved have the rank updated which leads to multiple rank fields in the engineering system to have the same value; or constantly resending all release fields to send the new stac...
Ronnie Merkel
about 4 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement
The list of workspace is not sorted by name under the import/export tabs of the integration updates window
The dropdown list to select which products to display on the import new records tab is not sorted, making it time consuming to locate specific products I would like to exclude from the list. It is possible to type in part of the workspace name to ...
Cyril Bousquet
about 4 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement
When integrating with Rally using the "Feature -> User Story, Requirement -> User Story" mapping, it would be great if we could give custom prefixes to the feature stories names in Rally without having those prefixes displayed in Aha.
We use...
Bryan Crist
over 8 years ago
in Rally
Unlikely to implement
On some occasions we will end up with multiple JIRA tickets for the same item in AHA. We'd like to be able to track each of these in Aha, but most importantly be able to pull the time tracking data into aha across all of the tickets.
over 8 years ago
in Jira
Unlikely to implement
It's possible to create Features and Ideas based on triggering events in Zapier, but often it's the Requirement level in Aha! that gets mapped to individual stories in other tools, not Features.
It should also be possible to have Zaps that will cr...
Bret Mogilefsky
over 8 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement
Support adding an integration id to a new feature/idea from Zapier
It's possible to create a new Feature or Idea in Aha! when something happens via Zapier (eg Trello card or GitHub issue created), but there's no way to link the new artifact back to the triggering artifact, even if the triggering item is in a conf...
Bret Mogilefsky
over 8 years ago
in Integrations
Unlikely to implement
Useful to keep users of JIRA and Aha in sync between systems without managing Watchers across installations.
I've noticed that @ mentions in Aha! do not match the JIRA username on comments. I want to ensure that JIRA users are notified when I @ me...
Ryan Schultz
over 8 years ago
in Jira
Unlikely to implement