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Status Unlikely to implement
Categories Jira
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 4, 2016

Link to Multiple JIRA Items

On some occasions we will end up with multiple JIRA tickets for the same item in AHA. We'd like to be able to track each of these in Aha, but most importantly be able to pull the time tracking data into aha across all of the tickets. 

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  • Michael Clinton
    May 15, 2016

    Matt - Couldn't you just house the main Aha ticket and then create separate Requirements for Subtasks in Jira?

    Seems like the structure of what your are doing could easily be accomplished with the current setup of the tool?

  • Guest
    Apr 4, 2016

    Addition to this, we could have one main ticket that Aha is updating, but multiple tickets that are linked and time data is pulled from. Any updates in Aha only go to the primary ticket\jira item.