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Sync contact names in Salesforce integration

The names of the people we do business with is very important. The Salesforce integration should sync the contact names of our clients in Salesforce with the Ideas portal to enure consistancy and data consistancy.
Daniel Lynch over 3 years ago in Salesforce 0 Future consideration

Notify users that Rally projects may take a long time to load when creating an integration

What is the challenge? Experiencing a significant lag (5 minutes+) when setting up Rally integrations. During the project selection step, the page appears to hang because it is loading significant volumes of projects and related settings from Rall...
Dale Potter 8 months ago in Rally 0 Future consideration

Epic progress doesn't update when it has children in different projects

Who would benefit? Customer using Jira epics to manage work in multiple projects What impact would it make? They would be able to see their progress in Aha! correctly How should it work? If you have an epic in Project A, and it has multiple childr...
Kyle d'Oliveira about 1 year ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Keep features in sync when they cross areas in Azure DevOps

This is useful when you have your DevOps areas configured by team. Once the features are pushed from Aha! to DevOps and evaluated by the team they need to be moved into the area for the appropriate team. Any team can work on any feature based on a...
Deb Gay almost 6 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Add support to map Azure Boolean Fields to Aha

This request is to support the mapping of ADO boolean fields to Aha predefined droplist and tag fields. Currently, Azure DevOps Boolean fields (true/false) cannot be mapped to Aha fields. Rather, in ADO, you need to create a field as a picklist in...
Jerrold Emery about 3 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 0 Future consideration

Clubhouse integration

Clubhouse is gaining a full head of steam and being adopted widely as a replacement for Trello and Jira - it strikes a great balance between the two. We're currently evaluating a move from PivotalTracker to Clubhouse, and while we're excited by th...
Guest over 7 years ago in Wanted 9 Will not implement

Allow record mapping to Asana Projects

Asana best practices recommend projects represent distinct bodies of work with start and end dates. The Aha! integration requires, in the set up, selection of an Asana Project to connect the workspace to. This requires a new integration for every ...
Bonnie Trei about 3 years ago in Asana 0 Future consideration

Allow automatic imports of child records when parent records exist in a different workspace

What is the challenge? Currently, for Jira integrations, when you have parent/child records in Jira that span multiple Jira projects connected to multiple Aha! workspaces, all child records created will need to be manually approved as an integrati...
Stephanie Lechner 5 months ago in Jira 0 Future consideration

Map VSTS/TFS picklist custom fields to Aha! choice list fields

VSTS/TFS picklist custom fields are treated as strings and cannot support option mappings. Mapping a picklist field to an Aha! choice list field should provide the option to click Configure and map the choices.
Tessa Adair about 6 years ago in Azure DevOps Services and Server 9 Future consideration

Improving handling when Jira users change issue type across record hierarchy

Who would benefit? Users of Jira integration What impact would it make? Users who are changing issue types in Jira after records are integrated. How should it work? Right now, if a Jira user changes an issue type on an integrated record, the integ...
Stephanie Lechner over 1 year ago in Jira 0 Future consideration