Problem Descrption
I’m currently working on an Ideas Portal for our customers.
We already have one portal for internal purposes (let's call it Internal Portal) and would like to publish some of the ideas created there to invited customers (Cus...
Erik Uhlich
almost 7 years ago
in Ideas portal
Unlikely to implement
Make the proxy vote default field labels customizable
Our employees will soon be able to submit votes on behalf of customers through our private employee Ideas site. The existing proxy voting form only allows them to select an organization, a description, a link, the "value" (which isn't defined), an...
Brian Trombley
over 4 years ago
in Voting
Future consideration
"Will Not Implement" and "Already Exists" ideas should function same as "Shipped" ideas in the ideas portal
I would like to request for ideas with a "Will Not Implement" and "Already Exists" status to function similarly to a "Shipped" status where they are removed from the active list of ideas but remain searchable and in the count of ideas on an ideas ...
Cindy Datlof
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
We would like to continuously deploy the CSS and HTML of the public Ideas portal from our CI system, via the API. Right now looks like that is not possible, the only workaround being reverse-engineering the form.
almost 7 years ago
in Branding
Unlikely to implement
Whitelisted IP addresses are no longer good protection from hackers and spam as the IP addresses can be spoofed. The best practice for email is to add SPF/DKIM records to security policies - is this something you are able to support as our users a...
Ian Mason
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
As an Ideas portal administrator, I would like the ability to have a popup load for my users' first login session, where we can provide them with a few helpful pointers, FAQ, and links. While we have a link to our documentation in the header, it o...
over 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
It is difficult to speak with a customer and try to find the correct idea they are asking about, without having access to the reference id. This request is to add it to both the My Ideas, and My Org's Ideas.
Sara Olson
over 2 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration