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Ideas portal

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"Will Not Implement" and "Already Exists" ideas should function same as "Shipped" ideas in the ideas portal

I would like to request for ideas with a "Will Not Implement" and "Already Exists" status to function similarly to a "Shipped" status where they are removed from the active list of ideas but remain searchable and in the count of ideas on an ideas ...
Cindy Datlof over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 3 Already exists

First-time login pop-up content support

As an Ideas portal administrator, I would like the ability to have a popup load for my users' first login session, where we can provide them with a few helpful pointers, FAQ, and links. While we have a link to our documentation in the header, it o...
Guest over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Ability to configure a banner message per ideas portal

Ability to configure a banner message per ideas portal
Joe Galanti over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 2 Already exists

Update Ideas portal branding via API

We would like to continuously deploy the CSS and HTML of the public Ideas portal from our CI system, via the API. Right now looks like that is not possible, the only workaround being reverse-engineering the form.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Branding 1 Unlikely to implement

"share" function in Ideas Portal

It would be nice to have a typical "share" function/button on the page of an idea in the Ideas Portal. If that would exist, I could easily share an existing idea with colleagues and they would get a link to the idea to add comments (precising my i...
Christian Hartmann over 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Custom fields should support read-only for public portal with edit for internal portal

We have an idea review process for one of our Ideas portals that uses several custom fields. Two of these fields are used for the outcome (go/no-go and reason for decision). These fields can only be updated in the internal portal by users with pai...
Kathleen Singleton over 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Add "External Page" Option for Page Navigation in Ideas Portal

To better delineate between the purpose of idea submission and support requests, it would be useful if we could add a "Contact Support" link to page navigation in the idea's portal nav bar. As such, we will need a mechanism by which we can designa...
I R over 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Notification to watchers list for new ideas submission

Any one who is on the watchers list should receive an email confirmation when a new idea is submitted for that product. Currently,the watchers list is getting notified when a new comment is added to an existing idea.
Guest almost 7 years ago in Ideas portal 4 Already exists

Display the idea ID next to the title in the Ideas Portal list

It would simply be easier to navigate the laundry list of Ideas on the portal if the ID was plastered next to/along with the title. If I already know the idea ID I’m looking for, it’s easier to find the idea on the portal with the ID visible. If I...
Guest about 7 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Unlikely to implement

Configure email verification email

It is possible to configure every single email related to the Ideas (public) portal, except for the one customers get when they first sign up to the portal (so not via an invite, just through submitting an idea). We need to be able to customise th...
Steph Reddington over 2 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration