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Ideas portal

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User should be able to add record links in ideas portal for similar ideas

As a product manager I want to give my customers|internal stakeholders|community the possibility to set the record links on their own so that I can reduce internal efforts, avoid unnecessary comments and enhance user flexibility (finding and linki...
Benjamin Biermann over 5 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Expose record links to ideas portal

As a product manager I want to show my users the record links of an idea (related to...) so that my users don't need to spam all related ideas in the comments (since they are or were already linked in the backend) and so that they can easily check...
Benjamin Biermann over 5 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Allow the admin to show/hide the 'edit ideas' button

Editing is useful for typos and such but if the context of an idea in the idea portal gets changed it may lose its relevance to the promoted feature - dollar value, customer name, or even category.
Curtis Wiseman over 1 year ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Request additional information when idea is interesting

We do not want to request a lot of information when we invite someone to add an idea. If the idea is interesting, we might want to add additional fields, so the user/customer includes additional information like: Video pitch Images Benefits / Cost...
Guest over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Dynamic forms of proxy votes

Currently we can only use dynamic forms on Ideas portal - Ideas We'd like them enabled for Proxy votes and ideally more of the the configurable forms. The reason we want this is because we're currently tracking feedback through proxy votes and we'...
Ellie Good almost 3 years ago in Voting 0 Future consideration

Ability to display release info from promoted object on idea on the portal

An option to display what ever release is on the epic/feature/object the idea was promoted to should be available. Would save a ton of manual work and maintenance. The info is already in Aha!Yes you can create a custom field but it cannot be a rel...
Eric Cannady almost 3 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Simple "Copy Link" Function in Idea Portal

As an product owner, I want idea portal submitters/users to have a simple, obvious, and fast method to share a link to an idea when they have just created it, or are viewing any idea, so that they can push the link to other in the organization thr...
Dan Molloy over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Visibility of notifications sent to idea authors/voters

Our understanding is that idea authors and voters are automatically subscribed to updates on the idea record, such as the change in the idea status or newly added comments to the idea. It would be helpful to see a message log of who was sent these...
Jeff Shaffer almost 3 years ago in User management 0 Future consideration

Dashboard/Landing Page on Ideas Portal

When we engage our customers to collaborate with us on the ideas portal, I think the chances of them returning to collaborate with us would be greatly increased if they were greeted with a more engaging dashboard the first time they logged in. Aft...
Guest almost 9 years ago in Ideas portal 0 Future consideration

Idea Portal home - display full date

The home page for the idea portal should display the year on creation date. This is shown when the Idea is opened. Perhaps because we have such a large pool of open ideas, our users are requesting the year in order to understand how old some of th...
Guest over 4 years ago in Ideas portal 1 Future consideration