What is the challenge? Our customers can't get notified when a new discussion is posted in our Ideas Portal, some customers are adamant about responding to other customers and often forget until they get the weekly summary. How would you solve it?...
Vincent G
11 months ago
in User management
Future consideration
Under Security and Single Sign-on have ability to turn off auto creation of user accounts. We have an all staff group in azure but would prefer to be able to control access. We don't want anyone in the group who might login to aha to have an accou...
almost 3 years ago
in User management
Future consideration
I'm currently using Aha as the ideas portal for all of our users and am automatically signing them in with SSO/JWT when they access the idea portal page. This works great! However, I noted that, per the JWT help article here, that signout requires...
It would be great if we could use proxy voting on a public facing ideas portal but have the proxy voting display only for internal users (i.e., like a private comment). Our use case is that we run a system with multiple versions of an application ...
Elizabeth Wakefield
over 4 years ago
in Voting
Unlikely to implement
We have recently incorporated a custom roadmap into our ideas portal and would like to be able to make the roadmap view larger than the page allows. I have included a screenshot of how it appears now and the empty real estate on the sides. Any mor...
Jerimiah Rudden
almost 3 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Extend the Ideas module to support customers forums
On our idea portal our customers are asking for a forum where they can discuss how they are using our product. Aha! did this with roadmap.com; taking that feature set into Aha! would be amazing.
Eric Schuster
over 6 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Ability to search ideas portal for ideas that Start with <XXX>
Currently, when you type something into the search bar, it returns all results that contain <XXX>. We want to search for ideas that Start with <XXX>
Example, search for all ideas that start with FY21. (We dont want ideas returning th...
Julie Edwards
over 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Future consideration
Include the idea comment in the email notification to the idea creator
Add the option to include the comment made by another user in the email notification to the idea creator. Currently there are only options to include the Commenter Name, Idea Reference, and Idea Name. Our users would like to eliminate the need to ...
Doug Shum
almost 4 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Who would benefit? People trying to add Proxy Votes to Ideas What impact would it make? Eliminate confusion on how to make a vote How should it work? Like the Comments tab in the Portal where you can click "Add Comment," a similar button is under ...
Tommy Oakes
12 months ago
in Voting
Future consideration
We would like to be able to hide and un-hide the Description and Contact fields on the epic level. A plus or minus sign that closes or expands the section would be perfect. In the new view, the rows are taller and columns wider, which requires mor...
Ginger Alford
almost 5 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists