Restrict Portal Users from Viewing and Voting on Specific Products
As a Product Owner/Contributor, I expect that my portal users will only provide feedback to products that they own. I do not expect them navigating to and viewing/voting on ideas on products/projects they are not associated with.
I have stakeholde...
Add a status for all requests that have not been planned in the Aha idea portal left hand side. Right now the only filter options are (Already exists, Will not implement, Planned, Shipped) We want to see the new ones only that have not yet been pl...
over 7 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
Create the ability to delete tags within the drop down. It's obvious there are mistakes in there and it makes the list cumbersome. If the tag is in use - notify the current user who is trying to delete so the deletion isn't completed.
over 7 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
If you enter or paste a URL in the text box and then type a comma, the automatic hyperlinking includes the comma in the URL.
The automatic hyperlink should just include the URL and not the comma. Commas in an actual URL are very rare and should al...
over 7 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
I have the ability to change the API keys when creating items, but I don't have that ability in the Customs Table section. My only option right now is to delete the table and re-create it. Not a huge deal but a nice to have.
Mike Irving
almost 8 years ago
in User management
Already exists
Ability to turn off notifications when adding new ideas portal users
I am adding users before the ideas portal is enabled but right now there is no way to turn off notifications when the users are created ... we should be able to have the option to turn off notifications or only send notifications when the portal i...
Michel Besner
over 8 years ago
in User management
Already exists
I need an easier way to add new users. Import from CSV is not convenient. I need to periodically add users, maybe 1 or 2 at a time – I can’t make an excel sheet every time. What I would like is something like how you would add users to a tool when...
I often get emails from people with suggestions and other ideas. It would be super convenient to be able to forward any email to a specific email address and have that become a new idea in the system.
Mat Jennings
over 9 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists
I have a backlog of ideas sitting in a different tool, and I'd like to import them into Aha and have them attributed to the original creators (who have been added as Aha idea portal users).
Shawn Smith
about 10 years ago
in Ideas portal
Already exists